
Please click on the name to view  detailed records of each soldier.

McALISTER  Donald   78th Regiment

McALISTER / McALESTER  Peter   Honourable East India Company 1st Madras European Regiment

McAULEY  James   48th Regiment

McCAFFREY / McCAFFRY  Bernard   50th Regiment

McCALL  John   Royal Horse Artillery

McCALL  John   68th Regiment

McCANN  Arthur   Royal Artillery 6th Battery

McCANN  Garrett   98th Regiment

McCANN  Hugh   67th and 86th Regiment

McCANN  Patrick   31st and 10th Regiment

McCARDLE / McARDLE  Michael   41st Regiment and Royal Canadian Rifles

McCARTHY  Carthage   40th Regiment St Helena Corps and 84th Regiment

McCARTHY aka GOGGIN  Timothy   50th 94th and 18th Regiment

McCAUGHRAN  William   Honourable East India Company 2nd Battalion Bombay

McCAULEY  James   18th and 52nd Regiment

McCLUSKEY  William   71st Regiment

McCORMICK  Martin   99th Regiment

McCORMICK  Patrick   5th Fusiliers Depot

McCORMICK / CORMICK  William   19th Regiment

McCORRY  Richard   38th Regiment

McCOURT  James   18th Regiment

McCREERY / McCREARY  Thomas   6th Regiment

McCUE  William   6th Dragoon Guards

McCULLEN  Henry   5th Regiment

McCULLOCH  Charles   72nd and 79th Regiment

McDANIEL  James   86th Regiment

McDERMOTT  William   67th Regiment

McDONALD  Finlay   74th and 42nd Regiment

McDONALD  James   72nd 26th and 30th Regiment

McDONALD  Peter   Royal Horse Artillery

McDONALD  William   50th Regiment

McDONALD / McDONNELL William   88th Regiment

McDONOUGH  Thomas   50th Regiment

McELROY  James   Honourable East India Company Bengal Artillery and 109th Regiment

McENTEE  James   49th Regiment

McFARREN  William   17th Regiment

McGALL / McFALL  John   Royal Artillery 9th Battalion

McGANN  Thomas   3rd Regiment

McGARVIE / McGARVEY  Bernard   28th Regiment

McGEE  James   89th Regiment

McGEE  Joseph   Rifle Brigade

McGILL Thomas   83rd Regiment

McGINN  Owen   63rd and 94th Regiment

McGINNESS / McGENNIS  Patrick   46th Regiment

McGLOUGHLIN / McLOUGHLIN  Thomas   29th Regiment

McGOWAN / McGOVERN  Peter/Patrick   64th Regiment

McGRATH  Bernard    Honourable East India Company 2nd Bombay European Light Infantry and 106th Regiment

McGRATH  Denis   47th and 57th Regiment

McGRATH  John   87th Regiment

McGRATH  John Peter   22nd Regiment

McGREGOR  George   Honourable East India Company 1st Madras Fusiliers 102nd Regiment and European Veterans Corp

McGUINESS / McGINNIS  George   99th Regiment

McGUINESS  James   18th Regiment

McGUINESS / McGINNIS  John   89th and 45th Regiment

McGUIRE  Philip   57th Regiment

McGUIRE  Philip   Royal Marines Woolwich Division 99th Company

McILWAIN / McILWAINE  James   50th Regiment

McINTOSH  William   Royal Artillery 8th Battalion

McINTYRE / McENTIRE  Daniel   13th Light Infantry

McKAY  George   25th Regiment

McKAY  John   26th Regiment

McKAY  John   96th Regiment

McKAY / MacKAY  John   92nd Regiment

McKEE  John   Royal Artillery 9th Battery and 3rd Brigade

McKELLAR  Duncan   Royal Artillery 7th Battery

McKENZIE  Roderick   45th and 41st Regiment

McKENZIE aka MUNRO  Donald   72nd 52nd 79th Regiment and Rifle Brigade

McKERNAN / McKEARNAN / McKERAN  John   99th Regiment

McKINNON  John   42nd Regiment

LAUGHLIN / LAUGHLAN / McLAUGHLIN  William   96th and 83rd Regiment

McLAUGHLIN / McLOUGHLIN  Robert   Honourable East India Company

McLAURIN / McLANRIN  William   72nd Regiment and Royal Artillery Coast Brigade

McMAHON  James   21st Regiment

McMAHON  James   38th Regiment

McMAHON  John   41st Regiment

McMAHON  John   47th Regiment

McMAHON  Patrick   Honourable East India Company and Royal Artillery 18th Brigade

McMAHON  Timothy   16th Regiment

McMEEKHAM / McMEEKHUM / McMEEKIN  Alexander   77th Regiment

McMILLAN / McMILLEN  John   51st Regiment

McMULLEN  David   Royal Artillery Coastal Brigade

McMULLENMcMULLIN  Thomas   Royal Artillery 4th Battalion

McNAMARA  James   Honourable East India Company 1st Madras Fusiliers

McNAMARA  James   84th Regiment

McNAMARA  John   66th Regiment

McNEE  Malcolm   Honourable East India Company Bengal Horse Artillery

McNIECE / McNEECE  John   15th and 8th Regiment

McPHERSON  Alexander   71st Regiment

McPHIE / McPHEE  John   75th Regiment

McQUADE  Peter   72nd Regiment

McSHERRY / McCHERRY  Edward   50th Regiment