Please click on the name to view detailed records of each soldier.
TAAFFE / TAAFE Francis 22nd Regiment 1st Battalion
TARGETT John Honourable East India Company Bombay Artillery
TAYLOR John 12th and 9th Lancers 3rd Bengal European Cavalry and 21st Hussars
TAYLOR Joseph 2nd Dragoon Guards
TEAGUE Thomas 56th Regiment and Royal Canadian Rifles
TEED William Rifle Brigade 1st Battalion
TELFORD James Royal Artillery 1st Battalion
THACKER James 1st Regiment 2nd Battalion
THOMPSON Robert Royal Artillery 2nd Battalion Depot Brigade
THOMPSON William Honourable East India Company Bengal Artillery
THOMPSON William 20th Regiment
THORNTON James 16th Regiment and Royal Canadian Rifles
THROSSELL Michael 17th Dragoons / Lancers
TIERNEY – Edward 27th Regiment and New South Wales Veteran Corps
TIERNEY / TEARNEY Matthew 57th Regiment
TOBIN John 6th 40th and 29th Regiment
TONRY / TOAMY / TOMY William 19th Regiment
TOOHEY / TOOKEY Michael Honourable East India Company 2nd European Regiment
TOOHILL / TOOTILL James Mathias or John 69th and 63rd Regiment
TOOLE / O’TOOLE Felix 86th Regiment
TOOLE Patrick 62nd and 29th Regiment
TORNEY / TORNAY Richard 48th 1st Battalion and 41st Regiment
TOWERS / TORVEIS Peter Royal Marines Chatham Division 73rd Company
TRACEY / TRASEY Joseph Royal Artillery 2nd Battery
TRAVERS John Royal Artillery 4th Brigade
TRAYHOURN / TRAYHORNE Richard 96th Regiment
TRETT / TRETTS / TRETS Robert 96th Regiment
TRUEMAN John 86th and 64th Regiment
TUITE Richard Honourable East India Company Bombay 2nd European Light Infantry
TULLY Bartholomew 81st Regiment
TULLY Brian / Bryan 32nd Regiment
TUOHILL / DAVIS Matthias I. / John Honourable East India Company Bengal Artillery 2nd Brigade
TURNER George Rifle Brigade Depot