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Dudbrook the Complete Story by Greg Larsen – a Tunney descendant

Name | TUNNEY – John |
Regiment (s) | 80th Regiment |
Regiment Number (s) | 657 |
Date/Age/Place/Trade or Profession at Attestation | 5th May 1827 / 17 years / Stockport Isle of Man Labourer |
Description – Height Complexion/Eyes/Hair/Scars | 5 Ft 8½ in Fresh / Brown / Slightly grey / None |
Overseas Service/Duration | New South Wales – 7 years 4 months East Indies – 4 years 11 months |
Length of Service | 22 years 53 days |
Rank/Date/Place of Discharge | Sergeant / 23rd July 1850 / Chatham Kent England |
Campaign Medals | Sutlej Medal with Moodkee Ferozeshuhur and Sobraon clasps |
Intended Residence at Discharge | Stockport Chesire |
Pension Districts | 1850 Stockport 1851 Maryborough 1853 – 1893 Western Australia |
Pension Paid | 1/9 per diem 1873 Increased to 2/0d per diem for 20 years service to Enrolled Force |
Date of Departure and Place England or Ireland | 22nd November 1852 London England |
Ship and Date of Arrival Western Australia | DUDBROOK 7th February 1853 |
Date/Place of Birth | 1810 Ballina Mayo Ireland |
Date/Place of Baptism | Not yet known (R.C.) |
Father Date/Place of Birth | Not yet known |
Mother Date/Place of Birth Marriage | Not yet known |
Siblings | Not yet known |
1st Wife Date of Birth or Baptism | McCARTHY Honora B 1819 Castlemarket Kilkenny Ireland |
Date/Place of Marriage | 8th August 1842 St Mary’s Church Sydney New South Wales Australia |
Children by 1st Wife | John B 1843 born Sydney M ADAMS Susan (Daughter of George Adams of Melbourne) in Albany 1871 D June 10 1929 at ‘Gracefields’ Western Australia The first secretary of the Kojonup Road Board. He and Susan established the ‘Wayside Inn’ at Slab Hut Gully now known as Tunney Town and also ran the Kojonup Inn Mary Ann B 1844 Baramfore River, Ganges, India D 1845 India James B 1847 Kurowlee, Bengal, India M GUINAN Mary 10th October 1869 D 1927 ‘Gracefields’, via Kojonup Western Australia James was a Sandalwood carter, clerk in his Father’s Commissariat Office, in 1873 rented part of Balgarup, Kojonup. He and Mary built ‘Gracefields’ around 1880 a staging post approximately 30kms south of Kojonup on Albany Hwy on Albany Perth mail route. The original house was replaced around 1910, which was then replaced in 1960’s after floods. James was also a farmer & grazier and employed 6-7 Ticket of Leave men on various occasions. Robert Francis B 1849 Dinapore India M COOPER Mary (Nannah) Ann 1876 Albany Western Australia D 21 June 1910 Albany Western Australia Catherine B Ireland 1852 M LARSEN Henri 1872 Albany Western Australia D 10th November 1928 Muradup, Western Australia Henri worked on a whaling vessel, jumped ship upon arrival in Albany in 1858 Edward B 1854 Albany Western Australia M MANNING Inez Amelia (b. 15/7/1860 daughter of Charles & Matilda Manning of Albany) in Albany Western Australia D 1904 Western Australia Edward was employed as a storeman 1879-1889 in Albany; his wife was caretaker at Mechanic Institute 1887. Thomas B 1857 Albany D 1868 drowning in a well in Albany, Western Australia Mary Elizabeth B 1859 Albany Western Australia D 1924 Cottesloe Western Australia A school teacher in Albany before entering Convent of Mercy, Perth in 1884 as Sister Mary Deloris |
Father of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth | McCARTHY Michael Not yet known |
Mother of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth Marriage | UNKNOWN Honora Not yet known |
Land Grants Western Australia | 1st November 1861 Allocated Sub Lot P9 of 3 acres 18th July 1881 applied for Title for Albany Sub P8 3 acres purchased for £4/10/0 for his sons. Title issued 29th December 1881 Albany Sub P10 of 3 acres purchased at £4/10/0 |
Occupation after Arrival | 1873 employed as Special Constable in charge of Convict Commissariat at Albany 1855-1871 Assistant Storekeeper Commissariat Albany |
Newspaper Articles | The Australian Advertiser – Albany Wed 22 Feb 1893 Page 3, Sgt John Tunney Death The Albany Advertiser Saturday 25th June 1910 page 3 Obituary Robert Francis The West Australian Fri 21 Jun 1929 Page 1 – In memory of Robert Tunney died June 21, 1910, at Albany Tambellup Times Wed 29 Oct 1919 Page 3 Golden Wedding Anniversary James and Mary Tunney The West Australian Monday 11th February 1924 page 1 Funeral Notice Sister Mary Deloris |
Departure from Western Australia | Not applicable |
Date/Place of Death/Burial | 18th February 1893 “Gracefield” near Cranbrook Western Australia Albany Pioneer Cemetery Western Australia |
Date/Place of Death/Burial Wife | 17th February 1878 Not yet known |
Will or Probate | None known |
Further Information | British Army Worldwide Index 1841 John Tunny 657 Corporal 80th Foot 1/05/1841 from Private Location Parramatta NSWFor the seven years before his discharge John was a hospital sergeant. Discharged at Chatham due to worn out from length of service Catherine Tunney age 10 months received medical treatment aboard the Dudbrook for catarrh and bronchitis John Tunney age 60 years retired from his position as Assistant Storekeeper Commissariat Albany after 16 years and 3 months service. His salary up to retirement was £98 and his pension was £26/2/8 paid from 1st April 1871. Reason for retirement was ‘reduction’ Jan 1857 contributed 3/- to the Florence Nightingale Fund. Tunney and family members made significant contributions to Western Australian society and the economy. We acknowledge Greg Larsen’s work on his ancestor Tunney and his contribution to the research of the EPS on the Dudbrook |