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Name | TRACEY – Thomas |
Regiment (s) | 27th and 86th Regiment |
Regiment Number (s) | 1245 – 27th Regiment 1929 – 86th Regiment |
Date/Age/Place/Trade or Profession at Attestation | 19th July 1839 / 20 years / Inniskillen Fermanagh Ireland Labourer |
Description – Height Complexion/Eyes/Hair/Scars | 5 Ft 10 in Dark / Grey / Dark Brown / None |
Overseas Service/Duration | East Indies – 12 years 1 month |
Length of Service | 15 years 275 days |
Rank/Date/Place of Discharge | Private / 22nd May 1855 / Chatham Kent England |
Campaign Medals | Not yet known |
Intended Residence at Discharge | Manchester England |
Pension Districts | 1855 Enniskillen 1856 2nd Glasgow 1857 Dundee 1857 2nd Edinburgh 1857 2nd Glasgow 1860 Enniskillen 1860 1st Liverpool 1862 Western Australia 1863 South Australia 1872 Victoria 1876 – 1893 South Australia |
Pension Paid | 9d per diem – Temporary – for 3 years until 12th June 1858 then for another year until 1859 – Made permanent 12th April 1859 |
Date of Departure and Place England or Ireland | 6th October 1861 Portland England via Cape of Good Hope |
Ship and Date of Arrival Western Australia | LINCELLES 28th January 1862 |
Date/Place of Birth | c1819 Innis McSaint Church Hill Fermanagh Ireland |
Date/Place of Baptism | Not yet known |
Father Date/Place of Birth | Not yet known |
Mother Date/Place of Birth Marriage | Not yet known |
Siblings | Not yet known |
1st Wife Date of Birth or Baptism | Not Married |
Land Grants Western Australia | None |
Occupation after Arrival | Not yet known |
Newspaper Articles | South Australian Chronicle Saturday 25 March 1893 page 13 Sad death in the north Evening Journal Friday 17 March 1893 page 3: Death of an Old Soldier |
Departure from Western Australia | 1863 to South Australia |
Date/Place of Death/Burial | c1 March 1893/Thompson’s Creek South Australia |
Date/Place of Death/Burial Wife | Not applicable |
Will or Probate | None known |
Further Information | It was a pretty eventful voyage for Pensioner Thomas Tracy starting on 2nd October 1861 even before the Lincelles sailed he was on a charge and things did not improve from there. Pensioner T. Tracey late 86th Regt. was confined for making use of abuse and threatening language to Sergt. Major Moody when in the execution of his duty on the first October. 5 Days Grog Stopped.1st November 1861 followed by Pensioner T. Tracey late 86th Regt. confined for making use of abuse and threatening language to Sergt. Major Moody when in the execution of his duty on the 1st November. 5 Days Grog Stopped. 10th November 1861 Pensioner T. Tracey late 86th Regt. reported by Sergt. Maj. Moody for insubordination on board this vessel on the 10th November 1861. I was present on the Poop when this occurrence took place. He said to the Sergeant Major – You are unfit for your duty and out of uniform – and made use of the words, – he was B _____d if he was. – Not many Convicts were on Deck at the time and heard this. This man’s conduct on board has been most violent and brutal. I have had to punish and reprimand him often since the Convict Guard embarked. He is now suspended from all duty, as I intend to turn the matter over to the Military Authorities at the first opportunity. SHIP LINCELLES AT SEA 7th JANUARY 1862 CONVICT GUARD An investigation was this day held by William Crawford R.N. Surgeon Superintendent, and the following charges and evidence thereon was brought before him. CHARGE Private T. Tracey, Pensioner Guard reported by Sergt. Kelly. 1st. For making use of abusive and threatening language to him between the hours of 4 and 5 o’clock A.M., when on duty on the morning of the 9th January 1862. 2nd. For making use of the words “you do it you old (Camel ?), if it was not for the stripes your wear I would break your bloody head”. 3rd. For saying “when I catch you ashore, I will kick the bits out of you, you damned Mongrel, you are no man”. The truth of the charges was deposed to by Sergt., Kelly who said that at 12 o’clock last night he had occasion to rebuke Private Tracey for attempting to smoke in the cuddy, where the men on duty at night were allowed to take shelter in bad weather, and that at 4 o’clock A.M. (he Private Tracey) began in a very loud tone of voice to make use of the language toward himself. Private John Watson deposes that he heard part of the dispute and abusive language pass between the Sergt. and Private Tracey in which the Chief Officer of the Ship Mr. Clements has …?… to by Tracey as a witness, that Private Tracey called Sergt. Kelly a damned scoundrel and said he would not wear the stripes after he arrived out. He also offered to fight the Sergt., or words to that effect The witness further …?… …?… the …?… of the charge. Mr. Clements Chief Officer, on being requested to state what he heard, said he heard abusive language pass between the Sergt. and Private Tracey and considered the conduct and language of Private Tracey insubordinate. Private Thomas …?… deposed that he came on duty at 4 o’clock A.M. and in front of the cuddy, Private Tracey being opposite to him at the time, remarked that he wondered why he (Sergt. Kelly) was down upon him for smoking, (when allowed to shelter), more than upon the others. I advised him to keep quiet and that it was not worth while having any words about it. With this Sergt. Kelly coming out of the Cuddy in a rage threatened to put Private Tracey on the Poop as a Prisoner and to bring him before the Doctor. Private Tracey then said, you undermining old dog you sent back a good Non Commissioned Officer, you and another between Decks that could rap your two heads together. Sergt. Kelly then called Private Tracey a damned puppy of a Black Guard and threatened to put him on the Poop. Private Tracey then said, you grey headed old rascal, if it were not for the stripes you would not tell me too again. Sergt. Kelly again called Tracey a scoundrel and Tracey replied, when he (the Sergt.) went ashore he would lose his stripes and be no more than he was. The Sergt., the third time threatened to put him on the Poop as a Prisoner. The dispute then ended. He (witness) and Tracey were then placed on Sentry. MEMO The Guard being very weak and the voyage drawing to a close, I have decided to place this matter in the hands of the Commanding Officer of Pensioners on arrival in Western Australia. (Signed) William Crawford Surgeon R.N., Superintendent British Army Worldwide Index 1841 Thomas Tracey 1245 27th Foot location Templemore and Galway Note deserted 14th January 1841 1851 There were three entries for Thomas 1851 Location Chatham (no service number) 1951 1929 Poona India 1951 1929 East India Depot Discharge: Due to chronic rheumatism and cymanche (sic) tonsillitis. WO23/50 states went to New South Wales in 1863. WO23/60 states he went to South Australia in 1871. However WO22 for South Australia for period 1863-1878 show he received pension in South Australia Mortuary returns 19 October 1893 Government Gazette p 999 b 72 Fresh Complexion, grey hair, beard and whiskers and moustache. Found on old track from Yadlamulka mail track to Thompson’s Gap with dog Toby. Burial order Pt Augusta mortuary book GRG 5/310/3 found dead on track to Thompson’s Gap. |