Departed Portland 8th October 1862 and arrived Fremantle 31st December 1862 Number of Guards officially listed to arrive was 49 – the “Ships Project” confirms 50

EPG – York 1862 – Journal by John CLEGG
Newspaper Article:

Please click on name to view detailed profile
AHERN Michael 17th and 8th Regiment
BENTLEY / BENTLY John 28th Regiment
BOURKE / BURKE Patrick 52nd Light Infantry
BREE Thomas Honourable East India Company 1st Bombay Fusiliers
BUCKLEY Laurence / Lawrence 25th and 74th Regiment
BYRNE / BURNS William Honourable East India Company 1st European Infantry 1st Bombay Fusiliers
CALLAGHAN Patrick Honourable East India Company 1st European Bombay Fusiliers
COLGAN / COGLAN John 67th Regiment
CROWLEY William Honourable East India Company 1st European Madras Fusiliers
CURTAIN / CURTIN / CURTEN John 18th Regiment
DALY / DALEY / DAILEY Michael 10th Regiment
DANIEL Richard 16th 61st 98th and 35th Regiment
DANIELS Hugh 61st and 98th Regiment
DOIL / DOYLE William Royal Marines Chatham Division 41st and 45th Company
DONOHUE / DONAHUE Roderick 68th Regiment
FARRELL Patrick 26th and 88th Regiment
GANDELL / GANDLE Henry Benjamin 36th Regiment
HEARN / HEARNS Patrick 77th Regiment
HERLIHY / HURLIHY / HERLEHEY Thomas 84th Regiment
HIGGINS Hugh Royal Artillery 14th Depot
HORGAN Cornelius Royal Artillery Depot
JOHNSTON / JOHNSTONE / JOHNSON James 46th and 84th Regiment
LEARY / O’LEARY Daniel 48th and 57th Regiment
LILLIS / LELLIS John 69th Regiment
LILLIS / LELLIS Stephen 25th and 69th Regiment
LYONS James 59th and 68th Regiment
McCAULEY James 18th and 52nd Regiment
McKEE John Royal Artillery 9th Battery and 3rd Brigade
McNEE Malcolm Honourable East India Company Bengal Horse Artillery
MEALIA / MELIA / MEALEN / MEALIN Michael 99th Regiment
MUIR William Honourable East India Company 1st Bombay European Fusiliers
MURREN / MURRIN Lewis 52nd Regiment
PILCHER / PELCHER William 50th Regiment
ROBERTS / ROBARTS James 16th Lancers
SULLIVAN Timothy unknown regiment and Royal Canadian Rifles
TIERNEY / TEARNEY Matthew 57th Regiment
TOOLE / O’TOOLE Felix 86th Regiment