Departed Portland 16th March 1862 and arrived Fremantle 6th August 1862
Number of Guards officially listed to arrive was 30 – the “Ships Project” confirms 30
Please click on name to view detailed profile
CUNNINGHAM James Royal Artillery 11th Battery
CURTIS Francis 14th Light Dragoons
DAIN / DEAN James 47th Regiment
DAVIS/ DAVIES Daniel 40th and 23rd Regiment
DOUGHERTY Peter 8th Regiment 1st Battalion
FLYNN John 3rd and 49th Regiment
GEDDINGS / GIDDINGS George 28th and 61st Regiment
GRADY Thomas 99th and 4th Regiment
GRATTAN / GRATTEN / GRATTON John 49th Regiment
GREENHILL Samuel 45th Regiment
HEVERAN / HEVERON / HEVERAM John 80th Regiment
LYONS Patrick Honourable East India Company Bengal 3rd Battalion Foot Artillery
MEADE / MEAD Thomas 7th Regiment
MOLLOY / MALLOY John 23rd Regiment
NAYLOR Henry Dyson 13th Light Dragoons
PARKINSON Nathaniel 89th Regiment
TONRY / TOAMY / TOMY William 19th Regiment
TULLY Brian / Bryan 32nd Regiment
WALLACE Arthur 86th and 77th Regiment
Read: Surgeons Log Norwood 1862 by John Kelly Lighthouse and General Historian
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