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SUTHERLAND – Alexander 24th Regiment

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24th Regiment South Wales Borderers cap badge
Punjab Medal (Chilianwala Clasp)
Indian Mutiny Medal
Died in yard of Criterion Hotel

Alexander Sutherland – One Son Makes Good

NameSUTHERLAND – Alexander
Regiment (s)24th Regiment
Regiment Number (s) 2002
Date/Age/Place/Trade or
Profession at Attestation
12th May 1841 / 18 years 7 months / Limerick Limerick Ireland
Description – Height
5 Ft 8¼ in
Sallow / Grey / Dark Brown / mark on left arm where wounded by grape shot Chillianwallah
Overseas Service/DurationEast Indies – 17 years 10 months
Length of Service22 years 355 days
Rank/Date/Place of DischargePrivate / 11th October 1864 / Cork Ireland
Campaign MedalsPunjaub Medal with Chillianwallah clasp
Indian Mutiny Medal
Intended Residence at
Ballybricken Waterford Ireland
Pension Districts1864 Waterford
1865 1st Cork
1867 Tilbury
1867- Western Australia
Pension Paid1/0d per diem
1881 Increased to 1/6d per diem for service in Enrolled Force Western Australia
Date of Departure and Place
England or Ireland
18th April 1867 Portland England
Ship and Date of Arrival
Western Australia
NORWOOD 13th July 1867
Date/Place of Birthc1822 St. Leilys Limerick Limerick Ireland.
(Genuki could not locate St Leily’s in Limerick or anywhere else possibly a colloquial name)
Date/Place of BaptismNot yet known
Date/Place of Birth
Not yet known
Date/Place of Birth
Not yet known
SiblingsNot yet known
1st Wife
Date of Birth or Baptism
WALSH Honora
1846 (deduced from age declared at burial)
Date/Place of MarriageM 14th August 1863 St. Patrick’s Cork City Cork Ireland
Children by 1st WifeJohn B 4 December 1865
Bp 4th January 1866 St Mary’s Cork City Cork Ireland
William B 30th June 1867 onboard “Norwood” )
D 1867 Western Australia
Frances or Francis B 1868 Fremantle Western Australia
D 1868 Western Australia
Martin B 1868
D 1892 age 21
Buried East Perth Cemetery
Alexander B 14th May 1873 Perth Western Australia
M GODFREY Mabel Mary
D 3rd June 1912 Perth Western Australia
Bur Karrakatta Cemetery Perth WA
Father of 1st wife
Date/Place of Birth
Not yet known
Mother of 1st wife
Date/Place of Birth
Not yet known
Land Grants Western
Perth Lot Y128 3 roods John Street west of Russell Square
Title Application 6th April 1881 Approved 15th May 1881
Title 5/1109
Occupation after
Not yet known
Newspaper ArticlesInquirer and Commercial News Wednesday 5th June 1878 page 1 Death of Honora
Inquirer and Commercial News Wednesday 12th June 1878 Inquest
Daily News Perth Thursday 15th May 1884 – page 3 Death in the City
Daily News Saturday 17th May 1884 page 3 Letter to the Editor regarding the death of Alexander
The Inquirer and Commercial News Wednesday 19th October 1892 page 5 Inquest Martin Sutherland
Western Mail Saturday 8th October 1892 page 21 Martin Sutherland
WA Record Saturday 8th June 1912 page 11 Obituary
Departure from Western
Not Applicable
Date/Place of Death/Burial13th May 1884 Yard of Criterion Hotel Perth Western Australia
East Perth Cemeteries Western Australia
Date/Place of Death/Burial
4th June 1878 Pensioners Barracks Perth Western Australia
East Perth Cemeteries Western Australia
Will or ProbateSROWA Cons 5795/1884/05
Further InformationBritish Army Worldwide Index
1841 Alexander Sutherland 2002 recruit 24th Foot Depot enlisted 11 March 1841 at Limerick age 18 location Kilkenny and Dublin
1851 Alexander Sutherland 2002 Private 24th Foot location Wazirabad
1861 Returning from India
Discharged at own request having completed 21 years ‘service
In possession of 3 Good Conduct badges
Wounded left arm at Chillianwallah on 13th January 1848.
On 30th June 1867 the surgeon on the Norwood recorded that Honora Sutherland the wife of Alex Sutherland had been safely delivered of a son.
2nd April 1875 Alexander having built the walls of his brick and mortar cottage to the required height on his grant Y128 requested the £15 grant to finish it.
In 1880 Alexander Sutherland was on the Nominal Roll for the Enrolled Guard while his son Alexander was one of the boys in trouble for having broken panes of glass in the Barracks.
After the death of Alexander Sutherland in an alley way at the back of the Criterion Hotel in Hay Street Perth the licensee was charges with having failed in his duty to protect the inebriated man from harm. Although he was personally exonerated from blame (due to being absent from the premises) he was fined the maximum amount of five pounds for not having kept trustworthy servants in his employ.
At the time of Alexander’s death in 1884 his sons Alexander and Martin were in the Government Orphanage (SROWA Cons 5795/1881/05)Son Alexander age 9 was charged with pelting a church (with stones from the road) breaking the windows, he was said to be the son of a worthy pensioner and a thief and a drunkard and being out of control of his father who was a widower. He was sentenced to imprisonment for one month. The child became within the operation of the “Industrial Schools Act of 1874” and was sent to the orphanage at Subiaco for a period of four years (11th November 1883). SROWA Cons 527 1883/0008
After his father’s death it became a matter of concern that the older son Martin was selling off his father household goods while the Government was supporting his brother however as he was the heir at law he had the right. He said he had the title deeds to the town allotment held by his father. SROWA Cons 5795 1889/05