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SHAFTER / SHAPTER – Thomas 60th Rifles

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60th Regiment Kings Royal Rifles Helmet Plate
Regiment (s)60th Rifles 1st Battalion
Regiment Number (s) 1882
Date/Age/Place/Trade or
Profession at Attestation
28th October 1842 / 20 years 7 months / London Middlesex England
Description – Height
5 Ft 7 in
Fresh / Grey / Light / None
Overseas Service/DurationEast Indies – 11 years 141 days
Length of Service21 years 108 days
Rank/Date/Place of DischargePrivate / 16th February 1864 / Winchester England
Campaign MedalsNot yet known
Intended Residence at
Orchard Street Ball’s Pond Islington London England
Pension Districts1864 1st West London
1864 2nd North London
1867 Tilbury
1867-1869 Western Australia
1869-1897 South Australia
Pension Paid1/0d per diem
Date of Departure and Place
England or Ireland
18th April 1867 Portland England
Ship and Date of Arrival
Western Australia
NORWOOD 13th July 1867
Date/Place of Birthc1822 Mortlake London Surrey England
Date/Place of Baptism29th March 1822 Mortlock Surrey
Date/Place of Birth
SHAPTER William Henry
Date/Place of Birth
UNKNOWN Elizabeth
SiblingsNot yet known
1st Wife
Date of Birth or Baptism
Name unknown
Date/Place of MarriageNot yet known
Children by 1st WifeNot yet known
Father of 1st wife
Date/Place of Birth
Not yet known
Mother of 1st wife
Date/Place of Birth
Not yet known
Land Grants Western
Not applicable
Occupation after
Not yet known
Newspaper ArticlesChronicle (Adelaide) Saturday 24th July 1897 page 23 Jubilee Celebrations
Departure from Western
1869 to South Australia
Date/Place of Death/Burial9th August 1897 Adelaide South Australia
West Terrace Cemetery Adelaide South Australia
Site unknown
Date/Place of Death/Burial
Not yet known
Will or ProbateNone known
Further InformationBritish Army Worldwide Index
1851 Thomas Shapter 1882 Private 1st Battalion 60th Rifles location Kussowlee and Jalandhar India
1861 Thomas Shapter 1882 Private 1st Battalion 60th Rifles Depot location Windchester
Discharge at own request having completed 21 years ‘service
1861 Census RG 09/691/156/3
Thomas Shapter is living at the Barracks, St Thomas Winchester. He is age 38 unmarried a private in the army born Mortlake Surrey.
Thomas Shapter was admitted to the Royal Adelaide Hospital on 1 September 1895 age 73. He said he was a married man, protestant, living off Grey street and he was a carpenter born Surrey. He had been 26 years in the Colony and arrived on the Emily Smith.
In 1897 Thomas Shapter of the 60th Royal Rifles was a guest at Queen Victoria’s Jubilee celebrations