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HAINES – John 87th Regiment

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87th Regiment Colours
Indian Mutiny Medal
Died Mt Eliza Depot
NameHAINES – John
Regiment (s)87th Regiment
Regiment Number (s) 2604
Date/Age/Place/Trade or
Profession at Attestation
21st October 1848 /  21 years / Northampton Northamptonshire England
Description – Height
5 Ft 9¼ in
Dark / Black / Dark Brown / Varicose veins
Overseas Service/DurationEast Indies – 10 years 8 months
China – 1 year 1 month
Length of Service15 years 280 days
Rank/Date/Place of DischargePrivate / 26th July 1864 / Aldershot England discharge approved
Campaign MedalsIndian Mutiny Medal
Intended Residence at
Warminster Wiltshire England
Pension Districts1864 Trowbridge
1867 Tilbury
1867-1885 Western Australia
Pension Paid9d per diem
1887 Increased to 1/3d per diem for service in Enrolled Force
Date of Departure and Place
England or Ireland
18th April 1867 Portland England
Ship and Date of Arrival
Western Australia
NORWOOD 13th July 1867
Date/Place of Birthc1827 Heytesbury Wiltshire England
Date/Place of BaptismNot yet known
Date/Place of Birth
Not yet known
Date/Place of Birth
Not yet known
SiblingsNot yet known
1st Wife
Date of Birth or Baptism
Not yet known
Date/Place of MarriageNot yet known
Children by 1st WifeNot yet known
Father of 1st wife
Date/Place of Birth
Not yet known
Mother of 1st wife
Date/Place of Birth
Not yet known
Land Grants Western
Perth Lot H32
2 roods 32 perches
Assigned 27th September 1883 Title Application 27th September 1883 Issued 26th November 1883 Title 6/23
Occupation after
Not yet known
Newspaper ArticlesThe Daily News Monday 13th April 1885 Death of John Haines
Departure from Western
Not Applicable
Date/Place of Death/Burial11th April 1885 Mt. Eliza Depot Perth Western Australia
Church of England Section East Perth Cemeteries Western Australia
Date/Place of Death/Burial
Not yet known
Will or ProbateNone known
Further InformationBritish Army Worldwide Index
1851 John Haines 2604 Depot 66th regiment location Youghal Ireland
1861 John Haines 2604 Private 87th Foot location ret from China
Discharge due to varicose veins
Private John Haines joined the Convict Guard on the Norwood on 9th April 1867 while at anchor at Portland.