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GARISH / GARICH / GARRISH – Henry 4th and 8th Regiment

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4th Regiment
8th Regiment
Indian Mutiny with Delhi and Lucknow clasps
Regiment (s)4th and 8th Regiment
Regiment Number (s) 2664 – 4th Regiment
3018 – 1st Battalion 8th Regiment
Date/Age/Place/Trade or
Profession at Attestation
6th March 1849 / 17 years 11 months / Portsmouth Hampshire England
Description – Height
5 Ft 7 in
Florid / Grey / Dark / has comment for scar on WO97 undecipherable
Overseas Service/DurationIndia – 6 years 243 days
Length of Service15 years 105 days
Rank/Date/Place of DischargePrivate / 28th March 1865 / Inquiry Manchester
Campaign MedalsIndian Mutiny Medal with Delhi and Lucknow clasps
Intended Residence at
Sheffield England
Pension Districts1867 Tilbury
1867-1871 Western Australia
Pension Paid6d per diem
Date of Departure and Place
England or Ireland
18th April 1867 Portland England
Ship and Date of Arrival
Western Australia
NORWOOD 13th July 1867
Date/Place of Birthc1831 Wilton Wiltshire England
Date/Place of BaptismNot yet known
Date/Place of Birth
GARISH Jeremiah
Date/Place of Birth
SiblingsNot yet known
1st Wife
Date of Birth or Baptism
Not yet known
Date/Place of Marriage6TH JUNE 1865 St Philips Church St Philips Sheffield York ( Henry was a widower at the time of this marriage)
Children by 1st WifeLouisa Ann B 14th July 1867 onboard “NORWOOD”
M  DENIC Jules 1884 Fremantle Western Australia
D 6th July 1932 Palmyra Western Australia
bur Methodist Section Fremantle Cemetery Western Australia
Father of 1st wife
Date/Place of Birth
Mother of 1st wife
Date/Place of Birth
Not yet known
2nd Husband of WifeWAREHAM Henry – Honourable East India Company 1st Bombay Fusiliers arrived “Vimiera” 1865
Date/Place of Marriage1871 Fremantle Western Australia
Children by 2nd HusbandMaud Brooks B c1878 Western Australia
M GOLDING Thomas 1898 Claremont Western Australia
M CLARKE Francis Anthony 1904 Donnybrook WA (Maud Brooks Wareham)
D 26th February 1956 Tuart Hill WA (Mother Ann father Henry)
Bur Karrakatta cemetery Anglican
Land Grants Western
Not applicable
Occupation after
Assistant warder Fremantle Prison 5th August 1868-2nd March 1869
Employed Military Guard Rottnest 21 January 1870 resigned 31 August 1870 from illness see Barker pages 79-80
Newspaper ArticlesInquirer and Commercial News Friday 14th May 1897 page 7 Death of Ann Wareham
The West Australian Saturday 9th July 1932 page 15 Obituary Louisa Denic
Departure from Western
Not Applicable
Date/Place of Death/Burial28th February 1871 Western Australia
Not yet known
Date/Place of Death/Burial
13th May 1897 Western Australia
Not yet known
Will or ProbateNone known
Further InformationBritish Army Worldwide Index
1851 Henry Garrish (sic) 2664 Private 4th foot location Devonport
1861Henry Garish 3018 Private 1st Btn 8th Foot location Gosport
Discharge due to chronic hepatitis.
1851 Census HO 107/1882/297/79 Military Hospital Stoke Demerel Devon England
Henry Garish is an unmarried man of 19 years a private in the 4th Regiment Army a patient born St Edmonds Wiltshire
1861 Census RG09/647/54/19 Alverstoke Gosport Hampshire
Henry Garish is an unmarried man aged 28 a private in the 1st/8th Regt born Wilton Wiltshire
This ‘man’ doesn’t appear on WO22/226 list of men who travelled on “NORWOOD” 1867.
Due to death of George GARNER Private Henry Garrish was appointed to the guard as his replacement.
April 11th 1867 Private Henry Garrish and his wife joined the ship at Portland but as there was no sailing order for his wife the surgeon contacted the Director of Transport Services for permission for her to accompany him to WA. –Garrish was also without a change of clothing as he had not received any advance of pay. The order must have been forwarded as the ship sailed on the 18th April with Guard Private Henry & Ann Garish
14th July 1867 The birth of a female child the day after the ship’s arrival in Western Australia.