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EPF Disbanded 1887 EPG Gazette October 2011
Disbandment of EPG EPG_Gazette_2003_-_Vol_4-2__Apr

Name | CARTY / McCARTY / McCARTHY – Daniel |
Regiment (s) | 63rd and 21st Regiment 2nd Battalion |
Regiment Number (s) | 2723 / 1830 |
Date/Age/Place/Trade or Profession at Attestation | 30th September 1851 / 19 years / Bandon Cork Ireland Servant Labourer |
Description – Height Complexion/Eyes/Hair/Scars | 5 Ft 8¾ in Sallow Hazel / Dark Brown / None |
Overseas Service/Duration | Turkey – 1 month Nova Scotia – 5 years 11 months Crimea – 1 year 9 months East Indies – 3 years 10 months |
Length of Service | 21 years 37 days |
Rank/Date/Place of Discharge | Private / 7th January 1873 / Stirling Castle Scotland |
Campaign Medals | Crimea Medal with Alma Balaclava Inkerman and Sebastapol Clasps Turkish War Medal |
Intended Residence at Discharge | London England |
Pension Districts | 1873 1st East London 1874 – 1923 Western Australia |
Pension Paid | 1/1d per diem Increased 1/3½d per diem for service Western Australia |
Date of Departure and Place England or Ireland | 1st November 1873 Gravesend England |
Ship and Date of Arrival Western Australia | NAVAL BRIGADE 18th February 1874 |
Date/Place of Birth | c1832 Bandon Cork Ireland |
Date/Place of Baptism | Not yet known |
Father Date/Place of Birth | McCARTHY Daniel |
Mother Date/Place of Birth Marriage | Not yet known |
Siblings | Not yet known |
1st Wife Date of Birth or Baptism | McCLURE Mary 1836 Ireland (1871 Census) |
Date/Place of Marriage | 9 June 1863 Shankill, Belfast, Antrim, Ireland |
Children by 1st Wife | Daniel b 1868 Preston, Lancashire (December Quarter) M KAVANAGH Margaret 1891 Western Australia D 12 November 1932 Western Australia Daniel was exhumed from his gravesite CC290 to join wife Margaret at Fremantle Mon CC 1543 Mary b 1872 possibly December Quarter Whitechapel London M DEMPSEY William 1897 Perth D 30 August 1952 Spearwood Western Australia |
Father of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth | McCLURE William |
Mother of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth Marriage | Not yet known |
2nd Wife | O’HANLON Catherine nee GRIBBEN Widow of EPG O’HANLON Hugh – 57th Regiment arrived “CORONA” 1866 |
Date/Place of Marriage | M Daniel in 1888 Perth Western Australia |
Children by 2nd Wife | Nil |
Land Grants Western Australia | 11th November 1881 assigned Perth Town Lot V134 0.3.7 Acres 10th July 1883 title application Title 6/2 21st September 1883 Title issued |
Occupation after Arrival | Janitor Perth Railway station |
Newspaper Articles | The Daily News Friday 14th October 1887 page 3 sale of V134 Inquirer and Commercial News Wednesday 6th April 1887 page 3 Disbandment of Enrolled Guard Inquirer and Commercial News Wednesday 11th July 1888 page 5 Transfer of land (Carty/O’Hanlon) The Daily News Friday 3rd August 1923 page 9 Obituary Daniel McCarthy(sic) The West Australian Thursday 1st August 1923 page 1 Death notice for Daniel McCarthy (sic) |
Departure from Western Australia | Not Applicable |
Date/Place of Death/Burial | 1 Aug 1923 Cottesloe, Western Australia 6 Aug 1923 RC Karrakatta Cemetery, Western Australia |
Date/Place of Death/Burial 1st Wife | Possibly 3rd January 1883 (Mary McCarthy aged 43) Buried East Perth Cemeteries Western Australia |
Date/Place of Death/Burial 2nd Wife | 25th September 1897 Perth Home Goderich Street Perth Western Australia Roman Catholic Section East Perth Cemeteries Western Australia |
Will or Probate | None known |
Further Information | British Army Worldwide Index 1861 Daniel Carthy (sic) 2723 Private 63rd foot location Halifax Nova Scotia 1871 Daniel Carty 1830 2nd Bn 23rd foot –attached from 2nd Bn 21st Fusiliers location Chatham 1871 Census RG 10/914 10/15 Military Forces occupying Chatham Barracks Chatham Kent The only entry which looks like Daniel Carty is actually recorded as James Carty age 38(B 1833) Private soldier 2/21st foot born Ireland and his wife Mary age 35 (b 1836) also born Ireland. Son Daniel age 2 (b 1869) born Preston Lancashire. His name is often spelt McCarthy after his arrival in WA. November 1880 Daniel Carty was on the Nominal Roll for the enrolled guard. At the time he was living in the Mt Eliza barracks with his son and daughter. He was a member of the Enrolled Guard from 11th November 1880 until its disbandment 31st March 1887. He bought furniture from the sale of barracks furniture to the value of £4/13/5. He was present at the banquet held for survivors of the Crimean War and Indian Mutiny held 25th June 1897 and again on November 1909. |