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Name | ARMSTRONG – Alexander |
Regiment (s) | 42nd Regiment |
Regiment Number (s) | 2711 |
Date/Age/Place/Trade or Profession at Attestation | 21st December 1849 / 21 years 9 months /Thurso Caithness Scotland Labourer |
Description – Height Complexion/Eyes/Hair/Scars | 5 Ft 6 in Fresh / Black / Black / None |
Overseas Service/Duration | Bermuda – 198 days Turkey and Crimea – 2 years 76 days |
Length of Service | 6 years 348 days |
Rank/Date/Place of Discharge | Sergeant / 2nd December 1856 / Chatham Kent England |
Campaign Medals | Crimea War Medal with Alma Balaclava and Sebastopol clasps Turkish Crimea War Medal |
Intended Residence at Discharge | Weymouth Dorset England |
Pension Districts | 1856 Salisbury |
Pension Paid | 8d per diem Temporary for 2½ years until 23rd June 1859 Deferred pension of 4d per diem awarded 31 March 1879 on attaining 50 years of age. |
Date of Departure and Place England or Ireland | 6th October 1861 Portland via Cape of Good Hope |
Ship and Date of Arrival Western Australia | LINCELLES 28th January 1862 |
Date/Place of Birth | c1828 Bower Wick Caithness Scotland |
Date/Place of Baptism | Not yet known |
Father Date/Place of Birth | ARMSTRONG William Alexander Not yet known |
Mother Date/Place of Birth Marriage | UNKNOWN Isabella Not yet known |
Siblings | Not yet known |
1st Wife Date of Birth or Baptism | GROAT Christiana 1829 Wick Scotland 19th April 1835 Thurso Caithness Scotland |
Date/Place of Marriage | 13th April 1847 Wick Caithness Scotland |
Children by 1st Wife | William Alexander B 1849 Wick Caithness Scotland D 1893 Albany Western Australia Annie B c1851 Wick Caithness Scotland Bp 7 December 1851 Andersier, Inverness, Scotland M ROBINSON George 1868Albany WA Elizabeth B c1853 Dundee Scotland Alexander B c1856 Wick Caithness Scotland M HOLDER Mary Sarah 1891 Albany Western Australia D 24 April 1936 Albany WA Isabella B c1858 Weymouth Dorset England M DAVISON Thomas William 1888 Albany Western Australia James B c1860 Portland Dorset England D 1878 Western Australia Christina B 1862 Fremantle Western Australia M INCE John 1882 Albany Western Australia M PATTINSON Henry 1915 Victoria D 25 October 1945 Toorak, Victoria Mary Jane B c1864 Albany Western Australia D 1864 Albany Western Australia Sarah B 1870 Albany Western Australia M WATERS George 1890 Albany Western Australia D 1941 Albany WA Stillborn Male B 1872 Albany Western Australia |
Father of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth | GROAT James Not yet known |
Mother of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth Marriage | GERRY Isabella Not yet known |
Land Grants Western Australia | None |
Occupation after Arrival | Employed as Warder Convict Establishment from 1862 to 1871 in both areas around Perth and Albany. Pension awarded 13th April 1871 of £21.6.10 per annum. See Barker page 7-8 Owner operator launch service Albany |
Newspaper Articles | Western Mail Saturday 26 October 1901 page 17 Obituary Alexander The Daily News Thursday 5 December 1901 page 2 Other People’s Money The Albany Advertiser Saturday 30 April 1904 page 3 death of Christina Western Mail Saturday 7 May 1904 page 17 Obituary Christina Albany Advertiser Monday 27 April 1936 page 6 Obituary Alexander The Albany Advertiser Monday 12 January 1942 Page 4 Obituary of Sarah Waters The Argus Friday 26 October 1945 page 2 Death notice Christina Pattinson |
Departure from Western Australia | Not Applicable |
Date/Place of Death/Burial | 21st October 1901 Albany Western Australia Not yet known |
Date/Place of Death/Burial Wife | 25th April 1904 Albany Western Australia Not yet known |
Will or Probate | SROWA Cons 3403 1901/137 Alexander Armstrong made a will leaving all his real and personal property to his son Alexander Armstrong and his son-in-law George Waters with the proviso they were to lodge and provide for his dear wife Christina as long as she may live in the same state and condition of life as at the time of his death. He added a codicil bequeathing the sum of 150 pounds to his daughter Isabella the wife of Thomas William Davidson (sic). The estate consisted of a 1/3 interest in the firm A. Armstrong & Sons which amounted to £2,636.19.11 (The other 2 partners were his son Alexander and son-in-law George Waters.) |
Further Information | Discharge due to varicose veins in both legs said to be caused by restriction of the garters during the march in the Crimea. British Army, Worldwide Index 1851 Alexander Armstrong 2711 location Bermuda In the 1851 Census of Scotland Christina Armstrong is recorded in the Scottish way under her maiden name of Groat. She is living at Brown Street Wick, Pulteneytown, Caithness with her parents Donald Groat age 70, fisherman and her mother Ann age 52 born Kildonan. Also with the family are Christina’s siblings Donald age 20, John age 18 both of whom are fishermen, younger son George age 14, sisters Ann age 13 and Isabella age 9. Christina is a married woman age 22 with her children William Armstrong age 3 and daughter Ann who was born in 1850. The family with the exception of sons Donald and John are listed as paupers and with the exception of mother Ann Groat were all born in Caithness The Armstrong family is re-united in the 1861 census of England and living at Alma Terrace, Portland Dorset. William age 31 is employed as an assistant warder at Portland prison, Christina is age 31, Children William age 12, Ann age 10 both born Wick, Caithness, Elizabeth age 5 born Dundee, Alexander age 5 born Wick Caithness, Isabella age 3 born Weymouth Dorset, and James age 1 born Portland, Dorset. The assets listed in the will of Alexander Armstrong consisted of: Albany Town lot 80 of 2 roods and 27 perches with 2 cottages and part of Albany Town lot 81 of 18 perches, the value being £505. Launch Bruce £2000 Launch Escort £1000 Launch Jessie £600 Launch Loch Lomond £500 Launch Dunstay £2300 All with gear and appurtances 3 Iron lighters and Dock £1000 Wooden lighter £200 £7600.00.0 Cash in Bank £743.15.8 Total Assets £8343.15.8 Liabilities amounted to £2048..06.0 Value of assets £6295.09.9 Probate payable on 1/3 share £2636.19.11 |