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Name | WALSH – Thomas |
Regiment (s) | 50th and 96th Regiment |
Regiment Number (s) | 1445 – 96th Regiment 657 – 50th Regiment |
Date/Age/Place/Trade or Profession at Attestation | 20th July 1826 / 16 years / Cork Ireland Labourer |
Description – Height Complexion/Eyes/Hair/Scars | 5 Ft 7 in Fair / Grey / Sandy / None |
Overseas Service/Duration | Australia – 14 years 11 months Bengal – 1 year 7 months |
Length of Service | 23 years 67 days |
Rank/Date/Place of Discharge | Sergeant / 23rd September 1851 / Chatham England |
Campaign Medals | Not yet known |
Intended Residence at Discharge | Cork Ireland |
Pension Districts | 1851 1st Cork 1853 Tilbury Fort 1853 – 1883 Western Australia |
Pension Paid | 2/0d per diem |
Date of Departure and Place England or Ireland | 2nd February 1853 Portsmouth England |
Ship and Date of Arrival Western Australia | PYRENEES 30th April 1853 |
Date/Place of Birth | c1810 Youghal Cork Ireland |
Date/Place of Baptism | Not yet known |
Father Date/Place of Birth | Not yet known |
Mother Date/Place of Birth Marriage | Not yet known |
Siblings | Not yet known |
1st Wife Date of Birth or Baptism | DONAHAR / O’DONOGHUE Ann c1828 Ireland |
Date/Place of Marriage | 1842 St Mary’s (RC) Sydney New South Wales |
Children by 1st Wife | Mary Ann Catherine bap 1846 St James (RC) Sydney New South Wales M1 MORRISSEY Patrick 26th October 1861 Greenough Western Australia M2 EAKINS Samuel 5th November 1870 Greenough, Western Australia D 26th April 1874 Mount Hill Victoria District (south of Greenough) Western Australia bur Greenough Cemetery Western Australia Henrietta Alice B c1853 at sea (possibly aboard Pyrenees II) M PEARSON Robert Blackett 31st May 1869 Greenough Western Australia D 26th January 1876 Greenough Western Australia bur Greenough Pioneer Cemetery Western Australia Ester (sic) Matilda B 17th April 1854 Western Australia bap 24th May 1854 Guildford Western Australia D 1864 Mount Hill Western Australia bur Greenough Pioneer Cemetery Western Australia Louisa Teresa Maria B 29th March 1857 Western Australia bap 11th April 1857 Perth West Australia M WILLIAMS Thomas Christopher 11th May 1880 St Francis Xavier RC Geraldton Western Australia D 21st June 1938 Northampton Western Australia bur Northampton Cemetery Western Australia Patrick B c1860 D 21st March 1887 Western Australia bur Urch Street Cemetery now Apex Park Geraldton Western Australia |
Father of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth | Not yet known |
Mother of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth Marriage | Not yet known |
Land Grants Western Australia | None |
Occupation after Arrival | Police Man Publican Farmer |
Newspaper Articles | The Daily News Perth 7th May – 1883 page 3 Victorian Express Geraldton -9th May 1883 page 2-3 and 9th July 1884 page 2 |
Departure from Western Australia | Not applicable |
Date/Place of Death/Burial | 2nd May 1883 Geraldton Western Australia 3rd May 1883 Urch Street Cemetery now Apex Park Western Australia |
Date/Place of Death/Burial Wife | 29th June 1884 Geraldton Western Australia 1st July 1884 Urch Street Cemetery now Apex Park Geraldton Western Australia |
Will or Probate | SROWA Cons 3403 1883/687 Thomas Walsh left a very detailed will leaving everything to his wife Ann during her lifetime and after her death it was to go to his daughter Louisa Williams wife of Thomas Christopher Williams. His granddaughter Mary Jane Morrissey was to have a gratuity of £50 for 6 years from the time of his wife’s death. (No indication of the value of the estate) |
Further Information | Thomas Walsh was the Sergeant Major aboard the Pyrenees in charge of the Convict guard and the surgeon considered it was due to the sergeant major’s good management that the Guards conduct was extremely satisfactory Surgeon’s Sick List Pyrenees: 24th March 1853 Mary Ann Walsh age 8 remitted fever Other numerous newspaper references to Thomas Walsh and family |