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Name | THOMPSON – William |
Regiment (s) | 20th Regiment |
Regiment Number (s) | 2089 |
Date/Age/Place/Trade or Profession at Attestation | 7th April 1842 / 19 years / Limerick Limerick Ireland Labourer |
Description – Height Complexion/Eyes/Hair/Scars | 5 Ft 8½ in Fresh / Blue / Dark / None |
Overseas Service/Duration | Bermuda – 4 years 291 days North America – 6 years 56 days Crimea – 1 years 272 days |
Length of Service | 14 years 113 days |
Rank/Date/Place of Discharge | Private / 29th July 1856 / Chatham Kent England |
Campaign Medals | Crimea War Medal clasps for Alma, Balaclava, Inkermann and Sebastopol. Turkish Crimea Medal |
Intended Residence at Discharge | Limerick Ireland |
Pension Districts | 1856 Limerick 1858-1864 Western Australia 1864 – 1878 Auckland New Zealand |
Pension Paid | 7d per diem |
Date of Departure and Place England or Ireland | 5th March 1858 Plymouth England |
Ship and Date of Arrival Western Australia | LORD RAGLAN 1st June 1858 |
Date/Place of Birth | c1823 St. John’s Limerick Limerick Ireland |
Date/Place of Baptism | Not yet known |
Father Date/Place of Birth | Not yet known |
Mother Date/Place of Birth Marriage | Not yet known |
Siblings | Not yet known |
1st Wife Date of Birth or Baptism | Not yet known |
Date/Place of Marriage | Not yet known |
Children by 1st Wife | Not yet known |
Father of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth | Not yet known |
Mother of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth Marriage | Not yet known |
Land Grants Western Australia | None |
Occupation after Arrival | Not yet known |
Newspaper Articles | Not yet known |
Departure from Western Australia | 1864 to South Australia |
Date/Place of Death/Burial | Not yet known |
Date/Place of Death/Burial Wife | Not yet known |
Will or Probate | None known |
Further Information | British Army, Worldwide Index 1851 2089 Location Montreal, Canada Discharge was due to lameness in his left leg resulting from extensive exfoliation of the lower portion of the tibia and adherent cicatrix on the anterior lower part of the leg – no apparent cause. He was paid in New Zealand to 1878 when the records seem to stop. He may have gone to New Zealand to participate in the Maori Wars but he does not appear on the Waikato Militia records. Several William Thompson’s received the Maori War medal but it is impossible to know if it is him. |