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SCOTT – James 16th Regiment

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16th Regiment Bedfordshire Cap Badge
NameSCOTT – James
Regiment (s)16th Regiment
Regiment Number (s) 2253
Date/Age/Place/Trade or
Profession at Attestation
26th October 1844 / 21 years 9 months / Dublin Ireland
Description – Height
5 Ft 10¼ in
Dark / Hazel / Dark / None
Overseas Service/DurationGibraltar – 1 year 1 month
Ionian Islands – 4 years 4 months
West Indies – 3 years 4 months
Canada – 2 years 8 months
Length of Service13 years 64 days
Rank/Date/Place of DischargePrivate / 14th November 1857 / Dublin Ireland
Campaign MedalsNone
Intended Residence at
Enniskillen Ireland
Pension Districts1857 1st Dublin
1866 Tilbury
1866-1880 Western Australia
Pension Paid6d per diem Temporary – 3 years until 22nd January 1861 then extended for 2 years
1862 made permanent
Date of Departure and Place
England or Ireland
16th October 1866 Portsmouth Hampshire England
Ship and Date of Arrival
Western Australia
CORONA 22nd December 1866
Date/Place of Birthc1823 Cleenish Lisbellaw Fermanagh Ireland
Date/Place of BaptismNot yet known
Date/Place of Birth
Not yet known
Date/Place of Birth
Not yet known
SiblingsNot yet known
1st Wife
Date of Birth or Baptism
Not married
Date/Place of MarriageNot applicable
Children by 1st WifeNot applicable
Father of 1st wife
Date/Place of Birth
Not applicable
Mother of 1st wife
Date/Place of Birth
Not applicable
Land Grants Western
Occupation after
A James Scott was working at Willagee Swamp for Thomas Butler (Corona) at the time of the death of Eliza Butler (1876)
Newspaper ArticlesNot yet known
Departure from Western
Not applicable
Date/Place of Death/Burial6th July 1880 Western Australia
Date/Place of Death/Burial
Not applicable
Will or ProbateNone known
Further InformationBritish Army Worldwide index
1851 James Scott 2253 Private 16th Foot location Corfu Ionian Islands
Discharge due to extensive varicose veins in left leg. Origin and cause of disability: ‘I believe to be from his military service in Jamaica and Canada in that island having on fatigue duty having to carry burthens up the steep hills of Newcastle in the latter country the disease became aggravated by marching in the steep snow’.