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Name | REDDAWAY – Henry Blackmore |
Regiment (s) | Royal Marines Plymouth Division 11th 27th and 61st Company |
Regiment Number (s) | 3679 |
Date/Age/Place/Trade or Profession at Attestation | 14th October 1828 / 20 years / Taunton Somerset England Whitesmith |
Description – Height Complexion/Eyes/Hair/Scars | 5 Ft 9 in Fair / Grey / Brown / None |
Overseas Service/Duration | Blanche – 26th February 1830 to 2nd November 1833 San Josef – 20th January 1834 to 23rd January 1835 Astraea – 1st August 1838 to 22nd May 1839 Rodney – 26th June 1840 to 24th March 1843 San Josef and Impregnable – 27th January 1848 to 24th October 1849 |
Length of Service | 21 years 23 days Afloat 9 years 11 months 24 days: Ashore 11 years 29 days |
Rank/Date/Place of Discharge | Sergeant / 5th November 1849 / Not stated |
Campaign Medals | Naval General Service Medal Syria (1840-41) aboard “Rodney” |
Intended Residence at Discharge | Exeter Devonshire Paid 3 days conduct to Okehampton |
Pension Districts | 1849 Exeter 1853 Tilbury Fort 1853-1885 Western Australia |
Pension Paid | £18.4.0 per annum |
Date of Departure and Place England or Ireland | June 2 1853 Kingstown, Dublin, Ireland |
Ship and Date of Arrival Western Australia | PHOEBE DUNBAR 30th August 1853 |
Date/Place of Birth | 1808 Okehampton Devon England |
Date/Place of Baptism | bap 8th June 1808 Okehampton Devon England |
Father Date/Place of Birth | REDDAWAY William Not yet known bur 11th February 1812 Okehampton Devon England |
Mother Date/Place of Birth Marriage | BLACKMORE Mary B c1771 bur 13th November 1820 Abode Butter Market Street Tavistock Devon England 12th November 1806 Queenborough Kent England |
Siblings | William bap 18th September 1804 Okehampton Devon England D Not yet known William (possibly known as John) bap 31st September 1810 Okehampton Devon England |
1st Wife Date of Birth or Baptism | CLYNICK Elizabeth B c1815 Okehampton Devon England |
Date/Place of Marriage | 10th December 1834 St Andrews Plymouth England |
Children by 1st Wife | Mary Elizabeth B 19th October 1835 Pembroke Pembrokeshire Wales (possibly bap Fremantle Western Australia just before marriage) M CAMPBELL George Maitland (son of George Campbell EPG) 28th March 1857 Fremantle Western Australia D 2nd February 1916 Northam Western Australia bur Anglican Section Northam Pioneer Cemetery Western Australia William Henry Blackmore (may not have arrived in Australia on Phoebe Dunbar) B (April to June) 1838 Okehampton Devon England M 1st BURRIDGE Frances Sarah (decree nisi June 1873) 20th July 1860 Mt Brown Frome South Australia M 2nd STONE Charlotte Ann 6th February 1876 Trinity Church Adelaide South Australia D 31st December 1903 South Yarra Victoria bur 2nd Jan 1904 St Kilda Cemetery Victoria George Clynick bap 13th December 1840 Okehampton Devon England bur 16th July 1841 Okehampton Devon England Emily Rebecca B 28th February 1844 East Stonehouse Devon England M THOMAS John Frederick 19th November 1873 Fremantle Western Australia D 17th May 1931 Ravenswood Western Australia bur St John’s Anglican Pinjarra Western Australia George Clynick B 1846 (October-December) East Stonehouse Devon England D 1848 (July-September) Exeter Devon England Louisa Elisa Blackmore B December 1849 bap 19th February 1850 St Mary Major Exeter Devon England bur 18th May 1851 St Leonard Exeter Devon England Lucy Georgina bap 18th October 1851 St Leonard’s Exeter Devon England D As she received medical treatment on the Phoebe Dunbar it meant she died in WA Ellen Margaret 8th October 1854 Fremantle Western Australia Unmarried – Teacher at Princess May School Fremantle D 4th October 1942 East Fremantle bur Anglican Section Fremantle Cemetery Western Australia Henry Alfred B 9th December 1857 Fremantle Western Australia bur 30th April 1864 Skinner Street Fremantle Cemetery Western Australia Maud Blanche Louisa B 30th January 1860 Fremantle Western Australia M SHUFFREY George Smith 19th July 1893 St John’s Anglican Church Fremantle Western Australia D 11th August 1928 Fremantle Western Australia bur Anglican Section Fremantle Cemetery Western Australia |
Father of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth | Not yet known |
Mother of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth Marriage | Not yet known |
Land Grants Western Australia | North Fremantle resumed for lack of improvements |
Occupation after Arrival | 10th April 1854 appointed Assistant warder Convict establishment variety of appointment throughout the state and metropolitan area– retired September 1871 Pension £36/8/4 increased to £45/13/2 per annum – Lengthy entry Barker pages 177/8 1871 Appointed Fremantle Town Council employee |
Newspaper Articles | Western Mail Perth 18th May 1907 – page 15 and 11th February 1916 – page 33 (Many other references) West Australian Saturday 24th June 1933 page 5 “Old Fremantle Days” Ellen Reddaway |
Departure from Western Australia | Not applicable |
Date/Place of Death/Burial | 20th March 1885 Fremantle Western Australia Skinner Street Cemetery Fremantle Western Australia headstone moved to Anglican Section Fremantle Cemetery Western Australia grave of daughter Ellen Margaret |
Date/Place of Death/Burial Wife | 10th May 1907 Fremantle Western Australia Skinner Street Cemetery Fremantle Western Australia headstone moved to Anglican Section Fremantle Cemetery Western Australia grave of daughter Ellen Margaret |
Will or Probate | SROWA Cons 1885/739 29th September 1880 Henry Blackmore Reddaway made his will leaving all his property both real and personal to his wife Elizabeth. If she should predecease him or at the time of her death the estate was to be sold and the proceeds divided equally between his daughters Mary Elizabeth Pitman Campbell, Emily Rebecca Thomas, Ellen Margaret Reddaway and Louisa Maud Blanche Reddaway. Executors William Silas Pearce and Ellen Margaret Reddaway |
Further Information | 1841 Census HO 107/233/7/7/8 Easton Town Okehampton Devon Elizabeth Reddaway was living with her mother Elizabeth Clenick (sic) age 65 and (possibly brother) Jeremiah Clenich age 45 as well as her first three children Mary age 5, William age 3 and George 6 months, all are born in Devon except daughter Mary. The household above this one is for Elizabeth Reddaway age 20 who was a dressmaker. 1851 Census HO 107/1866/461/44 1 Portland Place St. Leonard Exeter Devon. Henry a Chelsea pensioner is living with his wife and family at 1 Portland Place Exeter Devon. He is age 42 and was born at Okehampton Devon as was his wife Elizabeth age 36. Daughter Mary is age 16 a scholar was born Pembroke Wales, son William age 13 was born at Okehampton while Emily age 7 and Louisa age 1 were both born Stonehouse Devon. Mary Reddaway received medical treatment on the Phoebe Dunbar – on June 10th for dyspepsia and June 26th 1853 for diarrhoea. Daughter Lucy aged 1 year 9 months was treated on July 10th 1853 for pertussis and was dismissed as being well on August 2nd. Sergeant Reddaway was treated for fever on July 18th 1853 3rd September 1865 awarded 20/- reward for the capture of escaped convicts. 8th December 1885 Mrs Elizabeth Reddaway, widow, wrote to Governor Broome requesting a grant of land in consideration of her husband service both as an enrolled pensioner and as a warder. She stated that he had arrived as Sergeant major on the Phoebe Dunbar in 1853 served in the Enrolled force for 7 years before being appointed warder in the Convict Establishment and re-joining the Enrolled Force in 1874 giving a total service to the Colony of 21 years. She said as he was a Royal Marine he was not allowed a pension increase. She acknowledged his grant of land at North Fremantle had been surrendered with the understanding he could reapply. 4th February 1886 Mrs Reddaway was advised her request was denied. SROWA Cons 527 1885/4926 |