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Name | NAUGHTON – Joseph |
Regiment (s) | Honourable East India Company Bengal Fusiliers 2nd Bengal European Battalion Invalid Battalion |
Regiment Number (s) | Discharge No. 89 Ship from India to UK Lady Melville 1860 |
Date/Age/Place/Trade or Profession at Attestation | 29th June 1839 / 19 years / Waterford Ireland – to India 22 August 1839 Coachman |
Description – Height Complexion/Eyes/Hair/Scars | 5 Ft 6¼ in Fresh / Grey / Brown / |
Overseas Service/Duration | HEIC Ship to India Edinburgh 22 August 1839 Ship from India to UK Lady Melville 1860 |
Length of Service | 20 years 7 months |
Rank/Date/Place of Discharge | Sergeant / 14th May 1860 / Possibly Churnar India |
Campaign Medals | Not yet known |
Intended Residence at Discharge | Kilkenny Ireland |
Pension Districts | 1860 Kilkenny 1865 Tilbury 1865-1881 Western Australia |
Pension Paid | 1/0d per diem |
Date of Departure and Place England or Ireland | 26th May 1865 Portland England |
Ship and Date of Arrival Western Australia | RACEHORSE 10th August 1865 |
Date/Place of Birth | c1820 Kilkenny Kilkenny Ireland |
Date/Place of Baptism | Not yet known |
Father Date/Place of Birth | Not yet known |
Mother Date/Place of Birth Marriage | Not yet known |
Siblings | Not yet known |
1st Wife Date of Birth or Baptism | SMITH Bridget nee BOLGER or BOULGER c1833 Ireland |
Date/Place of Marriage | 29 November 1860 St Patrick’s Kilkenny City Kilkenny |
Children by 1st Wife | Patrick B 2 September 1862 (Norlin) Bp 4 September 1862 St. Patrick’s Kilkenny City D 17 February 1922 Perth WA Bur Karrakatta Cemetery WA Emily B 16 June 1864 Bp 19 June 1864 St Patrick’s Kilkenny City Margaret B 31 July 1866 Fremantle Western Australia M McMANUS James John 1902 Perth Western Australia D 25th August 1929 Perth Western Australia bur Roman Catholic Section Karrakatta Cemetery Western Australia Alfred B 8 February1869 Fremantle Western Australia D 8 February 1869 Fremantle Western Australia Bur Skinner Street Cemetery RC Christopher Joseph B 22 January 1870 Fremantle Western Australia D 14th June 1935 Perth Western Australia bur Roman Catholic Section Karrakatta Cemetery Western Australia Emily/Amelia (twin) B 20th December1872 Perth Western Australia M JEFFERY Sidney 1895 Perth Western Australia (Jeffrey?) D 12th October 1950 Claremont Western Australia bur Roman Catholic Section Western Australia Mary (twin) B 20th December 1872 Perth Western Australia D 30 March 1920 Perth Western Australia Bur Karrakatta Cemetery RC Section |
Father of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth | BULGER |
Mother of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth Marriage | Not yet known |
1st Husband of Wife | SMITH/SMYTH Denis |
Date/Place of Marriage | 10 February 1852 St. Patrick’s Kilkenny City Kilkenny Ireland |
Children by 1st Husband | NAUGHTON born SMITH Catherine B 1855 Kilkenny City Kilkenny Ireland Bp 8 March 1855 St. Patrick’s Kilkenny City Kilkenny Ireland d 16 May 1921 Perth Western Australia Bur Karrakatta Cemetery WA |
Land Grants Western Australia | Perth Lot 148Y 0.2.28 acres Title application 6th April 1881 Title Deed 5/1124 Between John and Aberdeen Streets Perth |
Occupation after Arrival | Not yet known |
Newspaper Articles | West Australian Monday 4 September 1911 page 5 Obituary Bridget Naughton The Daily News Saturday 15 June 1921 page 1 Obituary Catherine Naughton The W.A. Record Saturday 18 June 1921 page 5 Kate Naughton |
Departure from Western Australia | Not applicable |
Date/Place of Death/Burial | 28th June 1881 Perth Western Australia Roman Catholic Section East Perth Cemeteries Western Australia |
Date/Place of Death/Burial Wife | 30th August 1911 Western Australia Roman Catholic Section East Perth Cemeteries Western Australia |
Will or Probate | At some time Joseph Naughton was committed to the Insane Asylum as on 4 April 1870 the Governor approved the recommendation of Doctors Dickey and Attfield that he be released as he was ‘quite sane and responsible for his actions and capable of taking care of himself.’ On 1 October 1874 Joseph Naughton requested payment of 15 pounds as his house at Perth Town Lot 148 had been erected to the required height. Naughton Joseph Will SROWA Cons 3403 1881 625 On 23rd June 1881 shortly before his death on 28th June Joseph Naughton made his will leaving all he possessed to his wife Bridget Naughton. The witnesses were Patrick Fallon and Patrick Donnelly. SROWA Cons 3403/1911/337 Bridget Naughton’s will |
Further Information | Discharge: Not stated (Time served). Surgeon’s Log “Racehorse” quotes Saturday 3rd June 1865 wife of Corporal Naughton delivered a stillborn child. Wife had been previously very ill and still remains in very weak state. Joseph Naughton was one of the three teetotallers named in the Surgeons report. (Racehorse) 15th September 1869 Application to purchased Fremantle town Lots 678 and 679. Acreage unknown at £6.0.0 per lot on Hampton and Attfield streets At some time Joseph Naughton was committed to the Insane Asylum as on 4 April 1870 the Governor approved the recommendation of Doctors Dickey and Attfield that he be released as he was ‘quite sane and responsible for his actions and capable of taking care of himself.’ On 1 October 1874 Joseph Naughton requested payment of 15 pounds as his house at Perth Town Lot 148 had been erected to the required height. Bridget Naughton left an estate valued for probate at £1489/4/1. She stipulated £40 for a headstone and railing around her grave (EP Cemetery) and £10 for masses for her soul. She further bequeathed her piano by Augher Freres to her daughter Catherine, two round tables pictures of Our Lord and her wooden clock to daughter Amelia Jeffery and her rocking chair to daughter Margaret McManus. She left the NW corner of Perth town lot Y148 land and house to her daughter Margaret McManus conditionally on her paying the funeral expenses, SW quarter of Y148 to her son Christopher Joseph Naughton and if he should die without issue it to be shared between her three daughters Catherine Naughton, Margaret McManus and Amelia Jeffery. All the rest and residue of the estate went to her son Christopher Joseph Naughton but if he died without issue it would be divided between her three daughters. There were 3 males and 2 females deceased at the time of her death. As there was no mention of the Fremantle land perhaps Joseph did not proceed with their purchase. |