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Name | McNEECE / McNIECE – John |
Regiment (s) | 15th and 8th Regiment 1st Battalion |
Regiment Number (s) | 1806 / 1167 |
Date/Age/Place/Trade or Profession at Attestation | 25th July 1836 / 18 years / Not known Shoemaker |
Description – Height Complexion/Eyes/Hair/Scars | Not yet known |
Overseas Service/Duration | North America – 4 years 153 days – circa 1836 – 1843 East Indies – 9 years 86 days – India circa 1849 -1858 |
Length of Service | 22 years 38 days |
Rank/Date/Place of Discharge | Private / 31st August 1858 / Chatham Kent England |
Campaign Medals | Indian Mutiny Medal |
Intended Residence at Discharge | Not yet known |
Pension Districts | 1858 Sligo 1862 Bermuda (in transit) 1863-1892 Western Australia |
Pension Paid | 1/0½d per diem 1874 Increased to 1/3d per diem |
Date of Departure and Place England or Ireland | 30th October 1862 Gravesend England (via Bermuda) |
Ship and Date of Arrival Western Australia | MERCHANTMAN 15th February 1863 |
Date/Place of Birth | c1818 St. John’s Sligo Ireland |
Date/Place of Baptism | Not yet known |
Father Date/Place of Birth | Not yet known |
Mother Date/Place of Birth | Not yet known |
Siblings | Not yet known |
1st Wife Date of Birth or Baptism | WALCH/WALSH Catherine B 1812 (deduced from death) to 1821 (from marriage certificate) |
Date/Place of Marriage | 29th May 1843 Mottram Cheshire England |
Father of 1st Wife | WALCH James (labourer) |
Children by 1st Wife | Thomas B c1844 Whalley Lancashire England bap 25th August 1844 Habergham-Eaves Lancashire England D 1874 Geraldton Western Australia William Henry B 11th February 1850 Karachi India Bap 24th February 1850 Karrachee (sic) India M HORTON Margaret 1881 Geraldton D 29th September 1926 Geraldton John B 1852 Deesa India (British Armed Forces And Overseas Births And Baptisms) to B 1860 possibly County Sligo M SHEMELDS Mary Creamer at Fremantle – daughter of EPG Benjamin Shemelds 11th August 1885 Fremantle WA D 16th September 1925 Fremantle WA Mary Ellen B 14 Oct 1856 Jullundur, Presidency Bengal India Bp 2nd November 1856 |
Land Grants Western Australia | 4th May 1874 Title Application Lot G31 Greenough Flats 10 acres 7th September Title Application Lot G32 Greenough Flats Acreage 16 acres |
Occupation after Arrival | 1872 Farmer Employed 5 ticket-of-leave men 1865 – 1877 |
Newspaper Articles | West Australian Times 18th December 1874 page 3, a long article and concerns the Chaplain refusing to attend the burial as the Order of Good Templars wanted to read an address after the funeral of Thomas McNeece The Herald 15 August 1885 Marriage of John and Mary Shemelds Geraldton Guardian 10 August 1909 Marriage of John McNeece Western Mail 24 September 1925 page 22. Obituary of John McNeece |
Departure from Western Australia | Not applicable |
Date/Place of Death/Burial | 12th July 1892 Geraldton Western Australia Greenough Cemetery Western Australia |
Date/Place of Death/Burial Wife | 1895 Western Australia (reg # 1400) |
Will or Probate | SROWA Cons 3403/1912/254 – Left real and personnel property to his wife and son William Henry on proviso that 50 masses be said as soon as possible for the repose of his soul. The land at Bootenal was valued at £165 and the 3 roomed stone cottage at £50. The delay for probate was due to William being unaware of the process being necessary |
Further Information | 1841 Worldwide Army index, Service No: 1806, Regiment: 8th Foot, Halifax Nova Scotia, 1851 Worldwide Army index, Service No: 1806, Regiment: 8th Foot, Deesa (Camp) India Reason for Discharge: Unfit for service due to palpitations, weakness, pain and swelling. The Surgeon Superintendent of the Merchantman gave a rating of Very Good to both John and Mrs McNeece. They were accompanied by sons Thomas, William and John. 1864 January-February John McNEECE nominated his single 18 year old niece Ann ROSS as a government immigrant: she was living Sligo Ireland The Cyclodedia of Western Australia Page 635 Vol 2 – the entry for John McNeece Jnr gives a detailed but fanciful account of his career in USA before coming to Australia which does not tally with what we know of the man although it does give an equally detailed list of his work in WA and that of his son Percy. |