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Name | McNEE – Malcolm |
Regiment (s) | Honourable East India Company Bengal Horse Artillery |
Regiment Number (s) | 612 and 42 |
Date/Age/Place/Trade or Profession at Attestation | 1st August 1833 / 20 years / Westminster London England Wood Turner |
Description – Height Complexion/Eyes/Hair/Scars | 5 Ft 11 in Fresh / Grey / Brown |
Overseas Service/Duration | HEIC |
Length of Service | 21 years 7 months |
Rank/Date/Place of Discharge | Sergeant / 15th August 1855 / unknown |
Campaign Medals | Afghanistan – Cabul |
Intended Residence at Discharge | Not yet known |
Pension Districts | 1855 2nd Glasgow 1857 Paisley 1857 Dundee 1861 Edinburgh 1862 Woolwich 1862 Tilbury 1862-1897 Western Australia |
Pension Paid | 2/0d per diem |
Date of Departure and Place England or Ireland | 8th October 1862 Portland England |
Ship and Date of Arrival Western Australia | YORK 31st December 1862 |
Date/Place of Birth | 1814 Greenock Renfrewshire Scotland |
Date/Place of Baptism | Not yet known |
Father Date/Place of Birth | McNEE Donald Not yet known |
Mother Date/Place of Birth Marriage | McCLARTY Elizabeth Not yet known |
Siblings | Not yet known |
1st Wife Date of Birth or Baptism | HITTON Mary Ann B 1814 deduced |
Date/Place of Marriage | 13th February 1840 Agra India |
Children by 1st Wife | Elizabeth B 1846 East Indies M GRAY John Malcolm B 6th November 1847 Cawnpore Bengal Bp 7th November St. John’s Cawnpore Bengal |
Father of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth | Not yet known |
Mother of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth Marriage | Not yet known |
2nd Wife | THOM Elizabeth Wyndham nee MORRISON B 1820 Berwick on Tweed, Northamptonshire, England |
Date/Place of Marriage | Not yet known |
Step Children by 2nd Wife | THOM William Anderson B Toronto Canada possibly 1850 M CRANSTONE / CRANDON Elizabeth nee HICKS 22nd February 1873 Fremantle Western Australia D July 1904 Perth WA |
Land Grants Western Australia | Albany lot Sub 20 3 acres between North Road Lion Street and Pensioner Road. This was later changed to P27 which fronts Albany Highway near the Duck Lake. Apex Park near roundabout |
Occupation after Arrival | Orderly at Government House Perth. |
Newspaper Articles | Perth Gazette and Independent Journal Friday 29 May 1863 page 2 Mrs McNee registered nurse and midwife Inquirer Wednesday 12th September 1870 – Perth Electoral Roll – Malcolm McNEE Perth Gazette and Western Australian Times Friday 28th February 1873 – page 2 marriage William THOM Inquirer 26th February 1879 – page 3 – Malcolm McNEE medal query Inquirer – Friday 12th September 1879 – page 3 – Advert for sale cottages – Malcolm McNEE The Herald Saturday 10th January 1880 – page 2 – Malcolm McNEE to London West Australian Saturday 27th March 1897 – page 4 – death Malcom McNEE (There are about dozen of these notices (the same) different editions of the West.) West Australian Tuesday 29th March 1887 – page 3 – Malcom McNEE court re goods West Australian 14th June 1897 – page 4 – Letters of Administration Elizabeth Wyndham McNEE to Malcolm McNEE £141.5.0 West Australian Tuesday 31st August 1897 – page 4 – Funeral Malcom McNEE West Australian 1st September 1897 – page 4 – death Malcom McNEE West Australian 2nd September 1897 – page 4 – obituary Malcom McNEE West Australian Thursday 7th October 1897 – page 4 – estate Malcom McNEE West Australian Wednesday 20th October 1897 – advert W THOM McNEE and Co The West Australian 7th October 1897 – page 4 – probate Malcom McNEE The Western Mail Saturday 6th August 1904 – page 33 – Obituary William A THOM McNEE The Daily News – Tuesday 20th March 1928 – page 3 – death Elizabeth Crandon THOM |
Departure from Western Australia | Not known: Mrs McNee sailed from Fremantle for London on 28th December 1878 on the Helena Mena while Malcolm left on the Chalgrove 7th January 1880 they returned to Western Australia together on the Charlotte Padbury on 3rd October 1884. 6th February 1884 Malcolm applied for a Grant of Land when his address was 21 Wesley St., Low Fell Near Gateshead on Tyne, Co. Durham England. The grant in Albany was initially refused as he was out of the state but granted after his return in 1884 |
Date/Place of Death/Burial | 30th August 1897 East Perth Western Australia Presbyterian Section East Perth Cemeteries Western Australia |
Date/Place of Death/ Burial 1st Wife | 31 August 1853 Dum Dum Bengal India Buried 1 September 1853 St. Stephens Dum Dum India |
Date/Place of Death/ Burial 2nd Wife | 19th March 1897 Perth Western Australia Presbyterian Section East Perth Cemeteries Western Australia |
Will or Probate | SROWA Cons 3403/1897/540 Malcolm McNEE died 30th August 1897 leaving all his worldly goods to his daughter Elizabeth GRAY widow of John GRAY of 59 Derby street, Dundee, Scotland .The estate consisted of a wooden house and land in Clotilde Street Perth- Lot 6 of Perth town Lot X6- and assets to the value of £1391/10/11SROWA Cons 3458/1897/069 Elizabeth Windham McNEE. On 2nd Jun 1897 her widower Malcom McNEE was granted Letters of Administration for the estate of his wife who had died without making a will. The estate consisted of monies in the Perth Post Office Savings Bank totaling £141/5/0 |
Further Information | Discharge: At own request. Wounded in Afghanistan 1841/2 1861 Census Scotland : Vault Street Dundee Malcolm McNEE Head, Married, Male, 45, Pensioner EIC, Born Greenock, Renfrewshire Elizabeth McNEE, wife, Married, 40, Born Berwick, Berwickshire Elizabeth McNEE Daughter, not married, Female, 15, born East Indies. William THOM Stepson, Male, 11, Scholar, born America not BS. (British Subject)Purchased land Perth W14 5th October 1864 for £6 On 8th October 1864 McNee nominated his daughter Elizabeth age 18 years and 8 months as an immigrant, at the time she was living Old Kilpatrick, Scotland. A pension of £12/6/- pa paid from January 1880 for his service as Office Keeper in the Governor’s office. Salary before pension £30. Retirement due to Old Age.William Thom’s death registration gives his mother’s name as Elizabeth Wyndham Morrison and father William Thom. In the 1881 Census Malcolm McNee, is living at East Path, Barry, Forforshire (Angus) Scotland with his wife Elizabeth W McNee and granddaughter Eliza Grey age 10 a scholar born Glasgow Lanarkshire. His daughter Elizabeth Gray (widow) is living at 5 Glame Street Dundee with her son Malcolm age 14 and daughter Annie age 3. |