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Name | McKENZIE aka MUNRO – Donald |
Regiment (s) | 72nd 52nd 79th Regiment and Rifle Brigade |
Regiment Number (s) | 2818 / – / – / 2728 |
Date/Age/Place/Trade or Profession at Attestation | 4th February 1853 / 17 years 4 months / 4th December 1853 Labourer |
Description – Height Complexion/Eyes/Hair/Scars | 5 Ft 7½ in Fresh / Hazel / Dark Brown / None |
Overseas Service/Duration | Malta – 5 months Crimea – 1 year 1 month India – 13 years 6 months |
Length of Service | 18 years 211 days |
Rank/Date/Place of Discharge | Private / 10th July 1872 / Not yet known |
Campaign Medals | Crimean War Medal with Sebastopol clasp Indian Mutiny with Central India clasp |
Intended Residence at Discharge | Auldern (Auldearn) Nairn Scotland |
Pension Districts | 1872 Inverness 1873 Greenwich 1874-1887 Western Australia |
Pension Paid | 10d per diem Increased to 1/0½d per diem |
Date of Departure and Place England or Ireland | 1st November 1873 Gravesend England |
Ship and Date of Arrival Western Australia | NAVAL BRIGADE 18th February 1874 |
Date/Place of Birth | 1836 Petty Inverness Scotland |
Date/Place of Baptism | Not yet known |
Father Date/Place of Birth | McKENZIE Farquhar |
Mother Date/Place of Birth Marriage | McKENZIE Margaret |
Siblings | Not yet known |
1st Wife Date of Birth or Baptism | FLETCHER Sarah B Scotland 9th August 1848 Not yet known |
Date/Place of Marriage | 29th May 1871 Auldern Nairn Scotland |
Children by 1st Wife | Ellen B Not yet known D c1884 Fremantle Western Australia FarquharB c1872 Scotland D 2nd September 1937 Perth Western Australia bur Presbyterian Section Karrakatta Cemetery Western Australia Margaret B 1876 Fremantle Western Australia M McKENZIE Kenneth 2nd November 1896 Fremantle Western Australia D 15th August 1959 North Perth Western Australia bur Presbyterian Section Karrakatta Cemetery Western Australia William B 1881 Fremantle Western Australia D 16th May 1956 South Fremantle Western Australia bur Anglican Section Fremantle Cemetery Western Australia |
Father of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth | FLETCHER William (occupation farmer) |
Mother of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth Marriage | TOLMEI Margaret |
Land Grants Western Australia | Turkey Point Bunbury Lot P403 – 10 acres 31st January 1884 Title Application 16th June 1884 Deed of Grant issued Cockburn South Lot P15 |
Occupation after Arrival | Not yet known |
Newspaper Articles | Inquirer and Commercial News Wednesday 6th April 1887 The Western Mail Thursday 25th August 1938 page 2 Death of Farquhar late AIF |
Departure from Western Australia | Not applicable |
Date/Place of Death/Burial | 23rd June 1887 Fremantle Western Australia Skinner Street Fremantle Western Australia Headstone removed to Fremantle Cemetery Heritage Trail |
Date/Place of Death/Burial Wife | 3rd March 1906 Fremantle Western Australia Skinner Street Fremantle Western Australia Headstone removed to Fremantle Cemetery Heritage Trail |
Will or Probate | Cons 3403 1887/849 Donald McKenzie Cons 3403 1906/166 Sarah McKenzie |
Further Information | All his military records are for Munro (aka McKenzie occasionally) but his marriage and everything later are for McKenzie (Mackenzie) British Army Worldwide Index 1861 Donald Munro 2818 Private 72nd foot location Mhow East Indies The Indian Mutiny medal was awarded to Donald Munro 2818 of the 72nd regiment Discharge due to constant pain in right eye due to being hit by a cricket ball in 1867 and sight in other eye much impaired. 11th November 1880 appointed to the Enrolled Guard, at the time he was living at the Fremantle barracks with his wife and 2 children. 1st March to 30th June he was employed at the Fremantle magazine. He served in the Guard until it was disbanded in 1887 12th June 1887 Donald McKenzie Military Pensioner of Koojee Cockburn WA made his will whereby he bequeathed to his wife Sarah McKenzie all his personal property, household furniture etc together with his cottage and land at Koojee Cockburn location WA. Also his horse and cart and everything attached thereto I bequeath to my wife for her sole use and benefit . He also made her sole executrix. His will was witnessed by Henry Dyson Naylor and John Calvert, pensioners Sarah died 3rd March 1906 at Fremantle hospital from tumours of the abdomen and debility without leaving a will. Her eldest son Farquhar McKenzie (33 years) a farmer of Coogee applied for Letters of Administration on behalf of his sister Margaret McKenzie (29 years) wife of Kenneth McKenzie a baker of Beaconsfield and William (24 years) a farmer of Coogee. The estate comprised a 4 roomed brick and stone house with a frontage to Hampton Road of 39 ½ feet and a depth of 66 feet on South Street with a value of £400. Her death certificate said she was age 57 born Scotland, her father was William Fletcher, a farmer. She had married Donald McKenzie at Auldearn age 21 years. She had 3 living children, Farquhar, Margaret and William and one dead female child. |