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EPF Disbanded 1887 EPG Gazette October 2011
Disbandment of EPG EPG_Gazette_2003_-_Vol_4-2__Apr

Name | DUNN / DUNNE – George |
Regiment (s) | 47th and 13th Regiment |
Regiment Number (s) | 1287 (47th Regiment) 50 (13th Regiment) |
Date/Age/Place/Trade or Profession at Attestation | 2nd May 1838 / 18 years 1 month / Norwich Norfolk England Woolcomber |
Description – Height Complexion/Eyes/Hair/Scars | 5 Ft 10 in Fresh / Grey / Light / None |
Overseas Service/Duration | Malta – 2 years 1 month Turkey – 5 months Gibraltar – 2 months Crimea – 1 year 8 months West Indies – 2 yrs 8 months |
Length of Service | 21 years 179 days |
Rank/Date/Place of Discharge | Private / 16th April 1860 / Fermoy Ireland |
Campaign Medals | Crimean Medal with Alma Inkerman and Sebastopol clasps Turkish Crimean Medal Silver medal granted by the Sultan of Turkey for services in the Crimea |
Intended Residence at Discharge | Dublin Ireland |
Pension Districts | 1860 1st Dublin 1864 Tilbury 1864-1895 Western Australia |
Pension Paid | 8d per diem 1887 Increased to 1/2d per diem for 16 years’ service in the Enrolled Force 18/06/1889 Pension suspended while undergoing sentence when convicted of assaulting and beating Ann Bayley-6 months HL |
Date of Departure and Place England or Ireland | 1st July 1864 Portland Dorset England |
Ship and Date of Arrival Western Australia | MERCHANTMAN 12th September 1864 |
Date/Place of Birth | 1820 Lakenham Norfolk England |
Date/Place of Baptism | Not yet known |
Father Date/Place of Birth | Not yet known |
Mother Date/Place of Birth Marriage | Not yet known |
Siblings | Not yet known |
1st Wife Date of Birth or Baptism | UNKNOWN Eliza c1830 Not yet known |
Date/Place of Marriage | Not yet known |
Children by 1st Wife | Mary Anne B 1857 (tentative) M TAPIA/TAPIER Joseph 1871 Fremantle Western Australia D 26th May 1889 Poor House Perth Western Australia |
Father of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth | Not yet known |
Mother of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth Marriage | Not yet known |
Land Grants Western Australia | March 1871 granted Location P21 in North Fremantle Western Australia (Title deed 5/203) |
Occupation after Arrival | Not yet known: made application for work as messenger and porter in the public service |
Newspaper articles | Daily News 30th March 1889 – page 2 WA Record 30th May 1889 – page 6 |
Departure from Western Australia | Not applicable |
Date/Place of Death/Burial | 12th November 1895 Mt Eliza Invalid Depot Perth Western Australia bur East Perth Cemeteries |
Date/Place of Death/Burial Wife | 13th March 1889 Perth Western Australia (tentative) Not yet known |
Will or Probate | None known |
Further Information | British Army Worldwide Index 1841 George Dunn 1287 Private 47th Foot location Barbados 1851George Dunn 1287 Private 47th Foot location Buttevant Discharge due to having completed 21 years’ service The conduct of Private George Dunn and his wife Eliza and daughter Mary Ann was rated as ‘very good’ by the superintendent of the Merchantman. 1880 George Dunn was on the Nominal list for the Enrolled Guard after serving 16 years in the Enrolled Force WA he then served in the Enrolled Guard from its inception 11th November 1880 to the disbandment on 31st March 1887 1880 George Dunn and his wife were living in the NO 1 Barracks Fremantle. 23rd July 1885 the resident magistrate Fremantle applied for assistance for Mary Ann Tapier (a widow aged 28 years) has applied to me for assistance. She is in delicate health and is unable at present to work. She has a son aged 8 years. I enclose the report of the Sergeant of Police also the medical certificate. He reported “she is in a very delicate state of health suffering very much from heart disease and unable to do any kind of work. From her appearance she appears to be a very sickly woman. She has one child George aged 8 years. Both are residing at the barracks with her father and mother who states they have just enough to do to support themselves. Her father is on the Pensioner Force has 3/6 per day and 1/2 per day pension. Mrs Tapier is 28 years of age – her husband is dead for the last 15 months and since has been depending with her child on the support of her parents.” She was recommended for entry into the Poor house but declined the offer. After the Enrolled Guard was disbanded like many of the pensioners George was unable to obtain employment and applied to the public service for a position as a messenger or porter, however he does not appear to have met any success as on 10th February 1888 he requested quarters in the No 1 barracks Fremantle as he thought he was more likely to get employment in Fremantle rather than Perth. This application was refused. Finally on 15th May 1890 Resident Magistrate Barratt recommended George be admitted to the Mt Eliza Depot as he said he had no children to support him and he was lodging with “Henry Hayes and Elizabeth Fletcher, if something is not done for this old man soon, I am afraid that something will be got up for him by these parties so as to get him into prison.”References: SROWA Cons 527/2919/1885 RM Fremantle 23 July 1885 A woman names Mary Ann Tapier(sic)( a widow aged 28 years) has applied to me for assistance. She is in delicate health and is unable at present to work. She has a son aged 8 years. I enclose the report of the Sergeant of Police also the medical certificate. J. Peacock Sergeant 27 July 1885 I have the honour t report for your information that I have seen Maryann Tapier (sic) and she informed me that she is in a very delicate state of health suffering very much from heart disease and unable to do any kind of work. From her appearance she appears to be a very sickly woman. She has one child George aged 8 years. Both are residing at the barracks with her father and mother who states they have just enough to do to support themselves. Her father is on the Pensioner Force has 3/6 per day and 1/2 per day pension. Mrs Tapier is 28 years of age – her husband is dead for the last 15 months and since has been depending with her child on the support of her parents. Colonial Surgeon 27 July 1885 May Ann Tapia This woman is in a state of chronic disability partly congenital partly from a … … RM Fremantle 28/7/85 Please give direction for the woman to be sent to the Poor House. 28/7/1885 Approved her and her infant child be received into the Poor House. 20/11/1885 The woman declines to go to the Poor House. Cons 527/2999/1887.