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Name | CUNNINGHAM – James |
Regiment (s) | 60th Regiment 1st Battalion |
Regiment Number (s) | 2940 |
Date/Age/Place/Trade or Profession at Attestation | 5th November 1847 / 18 years / Kilkenny Ireland Labourer |
Description – Height Complexion/Eyes/Hair/Scars | 5 Ft 9 in Fresh / Brown / Grey / None |
Overseas Service/Duration | East Indies – 8 years 11 months |
Length of Service | 11 years 229 days |
Rank/Date/Place of Discharge | Sergeant / 21 June 1859 / Chatham Kent England |
Campaign Medals | Indian Mutiny Medal 1857-1859 w Delhi Clasp |
Intended Residence at Discharge | Kilkenny |
Pension Districts | 1859 Kilkenny 1863 Birr 1863 Edinburgh 1864 Tilbury 1864-1885 Western Australia |
Pension Paid | 1/6d per diem 1887 Increased to 2/2d per diem for services to the Enrolled Force |
Date of Departure and Place England or Ireland | 1st July 1864 Portland Dorset England |
Ship and Date of Arrival Western Australia | MERCHANTMAN 12th September 1864 |
Date/Place of Birth | c1829 Ballingarry Tipperary Ireland |
Date/Place of Baptism | Not yet known |
Father Date/Place of Birth | Not yet known |
Mother Date/Place of Birth Marriage | Not yet known |
Siblings | Not yet known |
1st Wife Date of Birth or Baptism | FLYNN Mary c1830 Not yet known |
Date/Place of Marriage | 26th July 1859 Callan Kilkenny Ireland |
Children by 1st Wife | Margaret bp 28th April 1860 St John’s Kilkenny City Kilkenny Ireland Maria B March 1863 Possibly St. Mary’s Leith Midlothian Scotland D 17th August 1864 at sea from measles aged 1 Year 5 months James B unknown date Ireland D 26th June 1889 Fremantle Western Australia Mary Helen (Ellen) B 18th December 1864 Fremantle Western Australia M McCARTHY John 1894 Fremantle Western Australia D 25th January 1932 Mt Hawthorne Western Australia Bur Karrakatta RC Cemetery John Christopher B 1867 Western Australia M ODGERS Alfreda Mary ( Mamie) 1901 Fremantle WA D 8th March 1947 Cottesloe WA Bur Karrakatta Cemetery WA Philip Patrick B 14th November 1868 Fremantle Western Australia D 1899 Fremantle Western Australia bur Old RC Cemetery Skinner Street Fremantle Western Australia Johanna B 5th March 1871 Fremantle Western Australia D 1872 Fremantle Western Australia Thomas B 1873 Fremantle Western Australia D 1873 aged 5 days Fremantle Western Australia Unknown child |
Father of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth | Not yet known |
Mother of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth Marriage | Not yet known |
Land Grants Western Australia | Granted Location P14 at Lake Kojee (sic) 20 acres Title Application 6th June 1886 Deed of Grant issued 7th December 1885 |
Occupation after Arrival | Not yet known |
Newspaper Articles | Daily News 14th October 1899 page 3 West Australian 16th December 1899 page 4 West Australian 10th October 1919 page 1 The Record 19th October 1919 page 9 The West Australian Tuesday 26th January 1932 page 1 Death notice Mary Ellen McCarthy The West Australian Monday 10th March 1947 page 1 Death John Christopher Cunningham |
Departure from Western Australia | Not applicable |
Date/Place of Death/Burial | 13th September 1885 Fremantle Western Australia Not yet known |
Date/Place of Death/Burial Wife | 9th October 1919 King Street East Fremantle Western Australia bur Roman Catholic Section Fremantle Cemetery Western Australia |
Will or Probate | Copy of son James’ Will available from Western Australian State Records Office Cons 3403/1889/940 dated 21st June 1889 |
Further Information | ‘Engaged in active service during the rebellion in India in 1857 in dispersing the insurgent villagers in the Meerut district and destroying their villages. Served in the campaign of 1857 against the mutineer sepoys of the Bengal native army from 2nd August…’ Discharge due to a severe gunshot wound of the right buttock sustained at the storming of the city of Delhi 14th September 1857. (The rate of pension awarded him reflects the severity of the wound.) British Army Worldwide index 1851 James Cunningham 2940 Private 1st Batt 60th regt location Kussowlee and Jalandhar IndiaThe Surgeon Superintendent rated Sergeant James Cunningham’s conduct as being ‘Very Good’, his wife Mary and daughter Maria (who died at sea) and son James accompanied him on the voyage. 1880 Shown on Nominal Roll for the Enrolled Guard as aged 48. 19 Nov 1880 Shown Occupying quarters No1 Barracks Fremantle with wife and 4 children. 10 Jan 1881 Issued QM items from QM stores while in No1 Barrack WA Directory 1883 Appeared in Fremantle list of residents. SROWA Cons 144: 30 April 1885 Applied for grant of £15 to roof house now built to plate high on Koojie Loc P14. 13 Sep 1885 Died aged 53. Informant Mrs Cunningham 14 September 1885. Death of Sergeant Cunningham. Widow has 1 son a cabinet maker, 1 son a bricklayer, 1 son an apprenticed shoemaker and 1 daughter (young woman) and have a house built except for the roof which is on the ground. So far as I know they have no money. [We have a problem of a missing son, at the time of wife Mary’s death it said she had 2 living children a daughter Mrs McCarthy and son James who we know died in 1889, he had a death notice in the Record. The second James was probably John Christopher born 1867 based on the children names in the death notice of Mary ie Philip, Edward and Gerard Cunningham whose father was JC and mother Alfreda Mary Odgers. Also see Funeral notice below] 23 Sept 1885 Report of Sgt Cunningham death “ one of the best conducted members of the Pensioner Force.” Although James did not leave a will the property at Coogee passed into the hands of his son James as the will of said son clearly shows. Both of his sons James and Philip died unmarried leaving wills Cons 3403/1889/940 dated 21 June 1889 whereby James left the property at Coojee P14 and Fremantle Town Lots 654, 655 & 656 South Terrace to his mother Mary Cunningham with the proviso that she could not dispose of the same without the written permission of his brother Phillip and sister Mary Ellen Cunningham. Cons 3403/1899/122 Will of Philip Cunningham left his estate of £210 to his mother Mary. |