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Regiment (s) | 33rd Regiment |
Regiment Number (s) | 2412 |
Date/Age/Place/Trade or Profession at Attestation | 7th April 1847 / 17 years / Callan Kilkenny Ireland Labourer |
Description – Height Complexion/Eyes/Hair/Scars | 5 Ft 9½ in Fresh / Grey / Dark Brown / loss of left thumb |
Overseas Service/Duration | Crimea – unknown |
Length of Service | 7 years 83 days |
Rank/Date/Place of Discharge | Private / 3rd July 1855 / Chatham Kent England |
Campaign Medals | Crimea War Medal clasps Alma, Inkermann, Sebastopol Turkish Crimea Medal |
Intended Residence at Discharge | Not yet known |
Pension Districts | 1855 Kilkenny 1856 Kilkenny militia 1856 Birr 1857 Birr paid to 31 December 1857 transferred to 1st Dublin 1858 1st Dublin 1858-1889 Western Australia |
Pension Paid | 8d per diem |
Date of Departure and Place England or Ireland | 5th March 1858 Plymouth England |
Ship and Date of Arrival Western Australia | LORD RAGLAN 1st June 1858 |
Date/Place of Birth | c1830 Killmanaugh Callan Kilkenny Ireland |
Date/Place of Baptism | Not yet known |
Father Date/Place of Birth | Not yet known |
Mother Date/Place of Birth Marriage | Not yet known |
Siblings | Not yet known |
1st Wife Date of Birth or Baptism | JONES Ellen bap 30th September 1836 Nenagh Tipperary Ireland |
Date/Place of Marriage | 5th May 1856 Nenagh Tipperary Ireland |
Children by 1st Wife | Susan Maria bp 27 February 1857 Nenagh Tipperary Ireland D 3 August 1942 age 85 Perth WA Bur Karrakatta Cemetery RC Bridget B 1859 Geraldton Western Australia Bp 5th November 1859 Champion Bay Western Australia D 10 November 1927 Adelaide SA Ellen B 1862 Geraldton Western Australia D 31 October 1892 York Western Australia Ellen was a Sister of Mercy nun Sister Mary Augustine Elizabeth B 1864 Geraldton Western Australia M Joseph James GRIFFIN 1886 Geraldton WA (Elizabeth Cecilia Cummerford sic) D 17 March 1927 Perth WA Bur Karrakatta Cemetery RC Martin B 1866 Geraldton Western Australia D 1867 Western Australia Mary May aka Mary Frances B 1869 Geraldton Western Australia M John M DREW 1895 Geraldton WA D 31st July 1942 age73 Perth WA Bur Karrakatta Cemetery RC Morris (Maurice) William B 1871 Geraldton Western Australia D 27th April 1883 Geraldton Western Australia Bur Urch Street Cemetery now Apex Park Geraldton Western Australia Edward John B 1874 Western Australia D 1876 Western Australia |
Father of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth | JONES Bryan Not yet known |
Mother of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth Marriage | HINGERTY Bridget Not yet known |
Land Grants Western Australia | None |
Occupation after Arrival | In January 1860 he was appointed as Magistrate’s Clerk but his appointment was terminated in February as he was unable to take dictation. 1858 – 1889 Customs Officer Geraldton (Tidewaiter) 1864-1889 Postmaster Geraldton |
Newspaper Articles | The West Australian Tuesday 8th May 1883 page 3 Death of Morris William Commerford Western Mail Perth Saturday 21st December 1889 – page 19 Obituary Victorian Express Geraldton Saturday 21st December 1889 – page 3 ditto Geraldton Express 26 June 1922 Obituary Ellen Commerford Geraldton Guardian Tuesday 27 June 1922 page 2 Obituary Ellen The Daily News Friday 28 April 1933 page 8 Wife of the Chief Secretary Mrs JM Drew nee Mary Frances Commerford Geraldton Guardian and Express Wednesday 5th August 1942 page 2 Short obituary Susan Commerford |
Departure from Western Australia | Not applicable |
Date/Place of Death/Burial | 15th December 1889 Geraldton Western Australia Urch Street Cemetery now Apex Park Geraldton Western Australia (Headstone) |
Date/Place of Death/Burial Wife | 26th June 1922 Geraldton Western Australia Roman Catholic Section Urch Street Cemetery now Apex Park Geraldton Western Australia |
Will or Probate | Cons 3458/1890/214 Letters of Administration Martin Commerford Cons 3458/1922/238 Letters of Administration Ellen Commerford |
Further Information | Although discharge document shows nil service overseas it also shows loss of left thumb due gunshot wound in trenches before Sebastopol 4th December 1854. (Before refers to location not prior as in time) British Army, Worldwide Index 1851 Location Newcastle on Tyne 1851 Census HO 107/2397/297 Sunderland Durham Martin Comerford (sic) unmarried age 21, Private soldier 33rd Regt born Ireland Martin Commerford was a member of the Geraldton Municipal Council for many years. He was also the quarter master and sergeant for the Geraldton Rifle Volunteers He was a well-liked and respected man as shown in his obituaries. His daughter Susan followed him into the Post Office where she worked for all her adult life. His daughter Mary was the wife of the Chief Secretary JM Drew. Land Geraldton Lots 265&267 (Could be 268) about ½ acre each. Opposite J. Wellcock Centre. 265 (near beach) Lot 20 Lester Avenue, South side ¼ acre Now Wheat Board Office (Land Information Stan Gratte) SROWA Cons 527/1891/309 On 18 September 1890 Ellen Commerford wrote to the Resident Magistrate Geraldton requesting “a substantial recognition of the service rendered by my late husband during his long service under the Government.” She detailed Martin Commerford’s service from when he was appointed as a Custom’s officer in 1858 at a rate of £35 per annum which was later increased to £50 per annum. In May 0f 1864 he was appointed to the additional role of Post Master with an added income of £25 per annum, both were increased to £60 in 1870 and 1873 respectively. In 1886 the joint income was increased to £200 per annum. He also was responsible for the telegraph department from 1874. For 31 years he had never taken leave of absence. The RM referred the request to the appropriate channels and in 1893 she was awarded a gratuity of £100. After another approach to the Resident magistrate she was awarded another £100 in 1897. Her daughter Susan was the administrator of her will which amounted to £1654/6/5 after all her debts were paid. The balance was distributed evenly between her 4 daughters The sponsors at the baptism of Bridget Commiford (sic) were Cornelius Glasson and Maria Fitzgerald. |