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Name | CALLAGHAN / CALLAGNAN – Cornelius |
Regiment (s) | 2nd Queens Royal Regiment of Infantry |
Regiment Number (s) | 1128 |
Date/Age/Place/Trade or Profession at Attestation | 6th May 1839 / 19 years / Cork Ireland labourer |
Description – Height Complexion/Eyes/Hair/Scars | 5 Ft 8½ in Fresh / Brown / Dark Brown / None |
Overseas Service/Duration | East Indies – 5 years 11 months |
Length of Service | 11 years 204 days |
Rank/Date/Place of Discharge | Private / 21st October 1850 / Newry Ireland |
Campaign Medals | None |
Intended Residence at Discharge | 1 Curtis Lane Cork Ireland |
Pension Districts | 1850 Cork 1853 Tilbury 1853 Western Australia |
Pension Paid | 6d per day, temporary to 24th December 1853 |
Date of Departure and Place England or Ireland | 6th April 1853 London England via Cork and Rio de Janeiro |
Ship and Date of Arrival Western Australia | ROBERT SMALL 19th August 1853 |
Date/Place of Birth | c1820 Parish of St Peter’s Cork Ireland |
Date/Place of Baptism | Not yet known |
Father Date/Place of Birth | Not yet known |
Mother Date/Place of Birth Marriage | Not yet known |
Siblings | Not yet known |
1st Wife Date of Birth or Baptism | SULLIVAN Mary c1823 Cork Ireland (WA BMD) |
Date/Place of Marriage | 20 May 1851 Sts Peter and Paul’s, Cork City Cork Ireland |
Children by 1st Wife | Elizabeth B c1854 Fremantle Western Australia Bp 2nd July 1854 Fremantle Western Australia D 26 September 1857 Western Australia Bur St. Patrick’s Skinner street Cemetery Fremantle WA Joanna B 1852 Bp 6th April 1856 Fremantle WA D 29 July 1856 Fremantle Western Australia John B 29 March 1856 Fremantle Western Australia M GALLAGHER Catherine 1875 Fremantle Western Australia Stillborn Male born 1859 Wanerenooka Western Australia Margaret Bap 1861 Waneranooka Western Australia – see further information M DONOHUE James E 1884 Albany Western Australia D 25th September1930 Subiaco Western Australia Cornelius B 1864 Waneranooka Western Australia D age 1 1866 Catherine B 1866 Northampton Western Australia M NELSON Neil 1888 Fremantle Western Australia D 19 February1932 Fremantle Western Australia Bur Fremantle Cemetery RC Western Australia Harriet b 1869 M JOHNSON Alexander 1887 Fremantle Western Australia D 20th September 1935 Campion Western Australia Bur Fremantle Cemetery WA |
Father of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth | SULLIVAN John |
Mother of 1st wife Date/Place of Birth Marriage | UNKNOWN Catherine |
Other husbands of wife | M2 McLAUGHLAN John 1870 Fremantle, Western Australia child frpm this marriage: McLAUGHLAN John James born 1871 Fremantle WA D 12 June 1969 age 86 Wooroloo Western Australia Bur Midland Cemetery RC M3 HAKE Abraham 1876 Fremantle Western Australia |
Occupation after Arrival | Warder from 12th October 1853 Commissariat 1853-1856 Assistant Warder 1857 |
Newspaper Articles | The West Australian Saturday 7th July 1900 page 4 Funeral notice Mary Hake The West Australian Monday 22 February 1932 Page 1 & 10 Death notice Catherine Nelson The West Australian Friday 4th March 1932 page 6 Inquest into Catherine’s death |
Departure from Western Australia | Not applicable |
Date/Place of Death/Burial | According to family, Cornelius “John” died 19th April 1869 while a prisoner Fremantle Gaol |
Date/Place of Death/Burial Wife | Died 5th July 1900 Coogee Western Australia Buried Fremantle Cemetery 7 July 1900 |
Will or Probate | None known |
Further Information | 11th June 1853 Cornelius Callaghan received medical treatment for ague while aboard the Robert Small. 1853 Mary Callaghan signed testimonial for the Surgeon on the Robert Small Warders and Gaolers (Barker) page 30 extract: 1860 sentenced 3 months imprisonment for aiding wife Ann steal from a store in Geraldton 1860 Admitted Invalid Depot with a disease of the chest (?) stole ale – sentenced 6 months imprisonment SROWA AN5 CONS 419 Fremantle Police Files 1861 and 1866 daughters Margaret and Catherine were baptised by Reverend Patrick McCabe who in 1868 befriended John Boyle O’Reilly a member of the Irish Republican Brotherhood (the Fenians). In February 1869, through McCabe, O’Reilly met Jim Maguire, an Irish settler in the district working on land clearance for the Bunbury racecourse. Maguire was able to quickly organise passage on board an American whaler that was replenishing its supplies in the area. See John Boyle O’Reilly 26 October 1868. MARY CALLAGHAN, pensioner’s wife drunk and disorderly and using obscene language. Fined 5/- or 48 hours. 27 October 1868. CORNELIUS CALLAGHAN, pensioner, charged with broaching on the North Jetty between the hours of 9 & 10 pm on the night of the 26th inst a barrel of ale and stealing there from several bottles of ale the property of G. Shenton Esq., Perth. 6 months imprisonment. Family were destitute and admitted to the poor house. Margaret was admitted to the Catholic Orphanage age 9 years on 24 February 1868 and left 8 June 1869 to go to her mother in Fremantle Catherine was admitted to the Catholic Orphanage age 2 ½ years on 26 August 1869. She left on 8 June 1869 to go to her mother in Fremantle. She was readmitted age 7 years on 13 June 1874 and left on 11 November 1880 to go to Dongara. Harriet was also admitted age 5 years on 13 June 1874 and left on 31 April 1885 for a situation in the North West. |