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NAYLOR – Henry Dyson 13th Light Dragoons

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Naylor Henry Dyson Talk by Stephen Anstey Perth Museum c 2012

Henry Naylor
1894 Obituary
Henrietta Naylor
Henry’s Sword
Turkish Crimea Medal
British Crimea Medal (Alma-Balaclava-Sebastopol Clasps)
13th Dragoons
NameNAYLOR – Henry Dyson
Regiment (s)13th Light Dragoons
Regiment Number (s)1460
Date/Age/Place/Trade or
Profession at Attestation
1st November 1851 / 16 years 5 months / Westminster Middlesex England
Description – Height
5 Ft 6¼ in
Fresh / Brown / dark red / Damaged jaw and gunshot wound to shoulder. His hair was dark red on the attestation form and he had an anchor on his left arm
Overseas Service/DurationCrimea – service time not stated
Length of Service2 years 114 days
Rank/Date/Place of DischargePrivate / 23rd October 1855 / Chatham England
Campaign MedalsCrimea War Medal with Alma Balaclava and Sebastopol clasps
Turkish Crimea Medal
Intended Residence at
Not stated
Pension Districts1855 Deptford adm to Out Pension
1st July 1856 Perth Scotland
1858 South London
1st July 1860 West London
1862 Tilbury
1862-1894 Western Australia
Pension Paid1/0d  per diem
18th January 1881 Increased to 1/6d per diem for 15 years service to the Enrolled Force in Western Australia
Date of Departure and Place
England or Ireland
16th March 1862 Portland Dorset England
Ship and Date of Arrival
Western Australia
NORWOOD 9th June 1862
Date/Place of Birth2nd July 1835 Mildenhall Bury St Edmunds Suffolk England
Date/Place of Baptismbap 12th July 1835 Mildenhall Parish Church Bury St Edmonds Suffolk England
Date/Place of Birth
c 1811
Date/Place of Birth
STAR Eliza
M 13th October 1832 Mildenhall Suffolk England
SiblingsWilliam bap 16th June 1833 Mildenhall Suffolk England
Thomas B c 1837 Mildenhall Suffolk England
William B c 1839 Mildenhall Suffolk England
1st Wife
Date of Birth or Baptism
WELLS Henrietta
B c1832 Surrey England
Date/Place of Marriage15th July 1855 Croydon Surrey England
Children by 1st WifeEmma Agnes B 5th November 1856 Weem Perth Scotland
M BEATTY John Orinje 23rd September 1876 Fremantle Western Australia (Congregational)
M DUNDEE William Fremantle Western Australia 1880
D June 1930 Kalgoorlie Western Australia
Bur 18th June 1930 Kalgoorlie Cemetery, Western Australia
Louisa Sarah B 1st Quarter 1861 St George Hanover Square London
D 7th April 1862 at sea aboard Norwood
George Edward B 28th February 1863 Fremantle Western Australia
bap 3rd April 1863 Perth Western Australia
M WILKINS Mary Ann  20th January 1889 Fremantle Western Australia
D 27th July 1941 South Fremantle Western Australia
bur Anglican Section Fremantle Cemetery Western Australia
Thomas bap 3rd April 1863 Perth Western Australia
D Not yet known (living in Essex Street Fremantle in 1893)
John Alexander B 23rd February 1867 Fremantle Western Australia
bap 6th April 1867 Fremantle Western Australia
M HOWSON Isabel 31st August 1887 Fremantle Western Australia (C/E)
D 1st July 1940 Claremont Western Australia
bur Crematorium Rose Gardens Karrakatta Cemetery Western Australia
William Alfred B 13th June 1869 Fremantle Western Australia
bap Fremantle Western Australia
M HARKEN Annie Elizabeth 1901 Claremont WA
D 19th July 1945 Fremantle Western Australia
bur Roman Catholic Section Fremantle Cemetery Western Australia
Martha Ann B  26th October 1871 Fremantle Western Australia
bap Fremantle Western Australia
M KEENAN Thomas Francis 5th May 1897 Fremantle Western Australia
D 28th July 1917 Fremantle Western Australia
bur Anglican Section Fremantle Cemetery Western Australia
Father of 1st wife
Date/Place of Birth
WELLS George Edward
Not yet known
Mother of 1st wife
Date/Place of Birth
BISHOP Harriet Agnes
Not yet known
Land Grants Western
Location P8 20 acres Cockburn Sound (Lake Koojee) Assigned 7 November 1876 Title Application 31st January 1884
5th August 1884 granted full title for Location P8 of 20 acres in Cockburn Sound (Lake Munster) or Kojee
Occupation after
Henry D Naylor was on the roll of pensioners appointed to the Camden Harbour expedition 17th January 1865. He went as a single man. His pay for the period was 2/- per diem
1887 In charge of the Fremantle Volunteer Armoury
Newspaper ArticlesThe West Australian 7th October 1887 Witness murder trial
The West Australian Wednesday 21st June 1893 page 4 Request for pension increase.
The West Australian Wednesday 28th March 1894 page 3 Death of a Balaclava Hero
The Inquirer and Commercial News Friday 30th March 1894 page 19 Account of the Military funeral
Departure from Western
Not applicable
Date/Place of Death/Burial26th March 1894 Fremantle Western Australia
bur 28th March 1894 Skinner Street Cemetery Fremantle Western Australia
Date/Place of Death/Burial
20th October 1909 Fremantle Western Australia
bur Anglican Section Fremantle Cemetery Western Australia
Will or ProbateNone known
Further InformationDischarge was due to being unfit for service from disfigurement of face by fracture of lower jaw by fragment of shell at Balaclava also from gunshot wound left shoulder (WO97)
1841 Census HO 107/1027/13/33/17 Church Yard Mildenhall Suffolk
Henry age 6 is living with his father Thomas Born c1811 Mother Eliza Born c1811 and brothers Thomas born 1837 and William born 1839, they were all born Mildenhall Suffolk
1851 Census HO 107/1559/2801 Horselydown Lane Southwark London
Henry Dyson Naylor age 15 born Mildenhall Suffolk was
a footboy in the employ of Henry Greenwood a Medical Doctor and practitioner.
7th April 1862 the daughter of private Naylor died of dysentery and general debility aged 1 year 4 months. Buried at sea.
Henry D Naylor was a member of the Pensioners benevolent Society from 1862.
31st December 1866. Pensioner GIBBS reports at station at 6pm that a cow got into the Barracks Square and charged Corporal NAYLOR and knocked him down. Sergeant Regan made inquiries respecting the above complaint and was informed by some of the pensioners on guard that the cow was irritated. AN5 Cons 419 Fremantle Police Files
11th November 1880 Henry D Naylor was appointed to the Enrolled Guard. He bought Barracks furniture to the value of £2/8/11. He and his wife and 4 children were living at No 1 Barracks Fremantle. Naylor’s sword used in the Charge of the Light Brigade Crimea is in the West Australian Museum
The Naylor family is on the Welcome Walls at Fremantle
On 3 February 1869 HRH Prince Alfred, son of Queen Victoria, visited Western Australia aboard HMS Galatea and on every occasion when HRH drove out the escort consisted of six well-mounted and uniformed efficient Dragoon Pensioners, clothed, armed and equipped as Hussars, under the able direction of Major Crampton. Each of the men had borne his part in one or more great battles and one exhibited across his face a sabre cut received in the renowned Balaclava charge.’ (Actually it is wrong as the facial damage was done by a shell fragment). This was Henry Dyson Naylor from the 13th Dragoons, of whom the local journal relates that during the inspection of his escort, `HRH saw the deep scar on the face of one man, a cicatrized memento of Balaclava.’ Unknown source
In c1893 in view of Henry’s failing health an application was made for an increase of pension or a grant from the Patriotic Fund. The Patriotic Fund Commissioners replied as he was already in receipt of a pension of 1/6 per day he was ineligible for a grant. The Commissioners of Chelsea Hospital also refused an increase as he was already in receipt of the full amount authorised by the regulations.
His obituary in the West Australian said in 1855 he was engaged as a 2nd coachman by the Maharajah Dhuleep Singh while the Maharajah was studying in England. Interesting in the 1871 and 1881 census the Maharajah lived at Elvedene Mildenhall Suffock.
Henry Dyson Naylor was buried at Fremantle Skinner Street Cemetery with full Military honours.